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I was only being facetious mate, but I have a friend in the same situation. He earns about £60k and his missus earns around £15k and he accepts that he pays more in terms of food, bills etc, no problem with that but he's just fed up that if he wants a holiday he has to pay for her as well. She spends all her money on spray tans, nails, haircuts etc. She hardly contributes.. he's already paid for her to go away twice this year and she wants another holiday and expects him to pay. I told him he's on a loser there and a slipperey slope downwards

Mine isnt as bad as that. Its me who wants to go away all the time and I do pressure her alot to be fair as I need at least 5 trips abroad a year feel sane. Tbf she is constantly broke because of this as she does make an effort to pay as much as possible towards each trip even though she would rather save. But im at the stage now financially and mentally where im ready for the Tony H lifestyle of going to more exotic places like Kazakhstan, taiwan, Cuba, etc as well as my regular euro trips with her but she aint happy about it.

Taiwan! Was researching that last night! Looks good and cheaper than HK. Thinking of combining it with S Korea for a winter trip (sorry.. veering off topic!)

Yeah I like the look of taiwan. It looks slightly more authentic then hong kong but still offers enough pleasures to keep a westerner happy. The nightlife in hong kong was sick and it would be an awesome place to live but as a traveller once the awe of the skyscrapers die down I found it a bit boring during the day. Wasnt a great lot to see or do. Id much rather go north korea just for the novelty of having been there

Wow this totally off topic now :-)

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Hold on you sleep in the same bed as other females and a) you dont try to get a leg over and B) your missus is cool with that??


The expanding bubble of mentalness that shagging away would create doesn't bare thinking about.


Some of my friends might not want her to know that they're a filthy lech who has certain vices - whether that be gambling, drinking, womanising or drug taking. I don't want her to know some of my friends are like that either.


Totally get that, but she ain't thick and works that sort of thing out by herself.


Perhaps I should also point out my phone cost £10 four years ago. There's no pouring out of hearts, it's single sentences, and it needs emptied every couple of days.


My closest friends know to speak to me in person rather than text on sensitive issues :ph34r:

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I was only being facetious mate, but I have a friend in the same situation. He earns about £60k and his missus earns around £15k and he accepts that he pays more in terms of food, bills etc, no problem with that but he's just fed up that if he wants a holiday he has to pay for her as well. She spends all her money on spray tans, nails, haircuts etc. She hardly contributes.. he's already paid for her to go away twice this year and she wants another holiday and expects him to pay. I told him he's on a loser there and a slipperey slope downwards

Mine isnt as bad as that. Its me who wants to go away all the time and I do pressure her alot to be fair as I need at least 5 trips abroad a year feel sane. Tbf she is constantly broke because of this as she does make an effort to pay as much as possible towards each trip even though she would rather save. But im at the stage now financially and mentally where im ready for the Tony H lifestyle of going to more exotic places like Kazakhstan, taiwan, Cuba, etc as well as my regular euro trips with her but she aint happy about it.

Taiwan! Was researching that last night! Looks good and cheaper than HK. Thinking of combining it with S Korea for a winter trip (sorry.. veering off topic!)

I did Taiwan to S Korea to Mongolia to Tibet :)

Anyway carry on ( see you in the travel thread if you want some suggestions :) )

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Mine isnt as bad as that. Its me who wants to go away all the time and I do pressure her alot to be fair as I need at least 5 trips abroad a year feel sane.

Any chance of going on some kind of language course before one of these many holidays?
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Whilst my friends girlfriends and wives come out and then sit there looking miserable all night whilst their other half ignores them

I think sometimes they grin and bare a couple of hours in the knowledge that their partners will accompany them home at the end of the evening.

The alternative can be messy.

Thing is I make a rule of not getting drunk in front of the wife...

Do go on... :)
Nothing sinister just for her sins she loves me and I don't want to shatter that by her seeing my trying to dance like diversity or shove tampons up my nose :)

Edit: though saying that most of these incidences are freely available on Facebook anyway :)

Tonight being a prime example

Day at the oval first beer at 10:00 this morning , full day drinking at the cricket followed by a night at the pub and an 80's disco in my mates kitchen with lots of bad dancing by me ( and Others I might add )Thank god the wife isn't around to see it ... And my kids for that matter

I've called shotgun on the sofa , tomorrow the head is gonna hurt least I'm not in the hallway like one of my mates :)

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I was only being facetious mate, but I have a friend in the same situation. He earns about £60k and his missus earns around £15k and he accepts that he pays more in terms of food, bills etc, no problem with that but he's just fed up that if he wants a holiday he has to pay for her as well. She spends all her money on spray tans, nails, haircuts etc. She hardly contributes.. he's already paid for her to go away twice this year and she wants another holiday and expects him to pay. I told him he's on a loser there and a slipperey slope downwards

Mine isnt as bad as that. Its me who wants to go away all the time and I do pressure her alot to be fair as I need at least 5 trips abroad a year feel sane. Tbf she is constantly broke because of this as she does make an effort to pay as much as possible towards each trip even though she would rather save. But im at the stage now financially and mentally where im ready for the Tony H lifestyle of going to more exotic places like Kazakhstan, taiwan, Cuba, etc as well as my regular euro trips with her but she aint happy about it.

Taiwan! Was researching that last night! Looks good and cheaper than HK. Thinking of combining it with S Korea for a winter trip (sorry.. veering off topic!)

Don't go to South Korea in winter. Fooking freezing!

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For the people who are checked up on, what would you say if you found that that your partner was following you when you were going out or had employed a PI to keep track of you? Is that acceptable as well? 

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You can hire professional honeytrappers to hit on your partner and then report back on whatever happens, which seems a little morally ambiguous to me. Anyway, even if I were in a relationship my default reaction when approached by a stunning woman is one of deep suspicion and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy level standoffishness. I suppose provided you knew there was a PI on your tail you could have some fun with it by acting as weird as possible, just to goad your other half into reacting.

In writing this I may have reached a breakthrough point in figuring out why I'm single.

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