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Why Paul Lambert should get the sack


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Anyone who thinks that PL should get fired is an idiot and deluded. Who would we get in? nobody would touch us with a barge pole. Its ridiculous. I was flattered he wanted to come in the first place. Good up and coming manager who nobody was moaning about in the first place. Needs time to create something from scratch. Get behind him and the team.

I hate self-righteous, know-it-all posts like this...

I think Ron makes a very good point. And I am sure the poster does not really believe the bit in bold, I imagine Ron is a little bit irritated with the opinions in favour of sacking Lambert.


I think it is the sort of hateful, angry, sweeping post, aimlessly hurling abuse at others, of which there are getting to be too many on VT these days.


It was rightly shot down IMO.

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Anyone who thinks that PL should get fired is an idiot and deluded. Who would we get in? nobody would touch us with a barge pole. Its ridiculous. I was flattered he wanted to come in the first place. Good up and coming manager who nobody was moaning about in the first place. Needs time to create something from scratch. Get behind him and the team.

I hate self-righteous, know-it-all posts like this...

I think Ron makes a very good point. And I am sure the poster does not really believe the bit in bold, I imagine Ron is a little bit irritated with the opinions in favour of sacking Lambert.


I think it is the sort of hateful, angry, sweeping post, aimlessly hurling abuse at others, of which there are getting to be too many on VT these days.


It was rightly shot down IMO.



exactly! Anyone who doesn't see the flaws in Lambert's skills could be in fact called deluded themselves?


In my opinion it's Lerner and his cronies that any decent manager would not touch with a barge pole, not the club, absolutely awful owner and apparently Cardiff are a more attractive proposition than us even with their gobshite of a chairman. Sad and sorry times.

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Anyone who thinks that PL should get fired is an idiot and deluded. Who would we get in? nobody would touch us with a barge pole. Its ridiculous. I was flattered he wanted to come in the first place. Good up and coming manager who nobody was moaning about in the first place. Needs time to create something from scratch. Get behind him and the team.

I hate self-righteous, know-it-all posts like this...

I think Ron makes a very good point. And I am sure the poster does not really believe the bit in bold, I imagine Ron is a little bit irritated with the opinions in favour of sacking Lambert.


I think it is the sort of hateful, angry, sweeping post, aimlessly hurling abuse at others, of which there are getting to be too many on VT these days.


It was rightly shot down IMO.



exactly! Anyone who doesn't see the flaws in Lambert's skills could be in fact called deluded themselves?


In my opinion it's Lerner and his cronies that any decent manager would not touch with a barge pole, not the club, absolutely awful owner and apparently Cardiff are a more attractive proposition than us even with their gobshite of a chairman. Sad and sorry times.


Thank you Delboy.

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He didn't though. Just made the very disputable claim that nobody else would've taken the job and the mandatory 'back him and give him time' line that is used in any pro-Lambert post.

He did, albeit in an abrasive manner. Ron did make a good point about backing the manager as there are no real alternatives that are realistically available to us, we will not get a better manager than Lambert under the circumstances. And what is really wrong with giving Lambert some time and being supportive?

I've already stated my preferred candidate to replace him - Koeman - who I believe is a realistic target. Although there are plenty of other managers who would happily accept the chance to manage in the Premier League and have £20m to spend each season. Many people conveniently seem to be forgetting what a big draw managing in the Premier League actually is for many managers. So your claim that we can't do any better than Lambert is just that and is also tied in with the fact that you think he is a good manager in the first place.

Your final point is a moot one. If I don't believe in the manager and thus his 'project' then I see little point in giving him more time and falsely 'supporting' him.

Edited by Isa
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I've already stated my preferred candidate to replace him - Koeman - who I believe is a realistic target. Although there are plenty of other managers who would happily accept the chance to manage in the Premier League and have £20m to spend each season. Many people conveniently seem to be forgetting what a big draw managing in the Premier League actually is for many managers. So your claim that we can't do any better than Lambert is just that and is also tied in with the fact that you think he is a good manager in the first place.


And it is a claim to suggest Koeman would do better than Lambert under the circumstances. Do you seriously think Koeman would be an instant success? Or would Koeman need time to build a team? Two genuine questions.


Your final point is a moot one. If I don't believe in the manager and thus his 'project' then I see little point in giving him more time and falsely 'supporting' him.


Fair enough. Personally I do not believe any manager could do better with the conditions that are in place currently, and by appointing a new manager we will be restarting the cycle.

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I've already stated my preferred candidate to replace him - Koeman - who I believe is a realistic target. Although there are plenty of other managers who would happily accept the chance to manage in the Premier League and have £20m to spend each season. Many people conveniently seem to be forgetting what a big draw managing in the Premier League actually is for many managers. So your claim that we can't do any better than Lambert is just that and is also tied in with the fact that you think he is a good manager in the first place.

And it is a claim to suggest Koeman would do better than Lambert under the circumstances. Do you seriously think Koeman would be an instant success? Or would Koeman need time to build a team given the circumstances? Two genuine questions.

Well obviously I do think that he'd do a better job or I wouldn't be calling for him to replace Lambert would I? I'm not sure what you mean by 'instant success' but I would believe more in a project under his guidance than one under Lambert. I don't believe that 18 months into his reign that his team would not be able to competantly pass the ball without hoofing it every five minutes. I don't believe that 18 months into his reign he still wouldn't have any sort of clue about how to set the team up at home and preside over the worst home form in the country. He is used to working on an tight budget at Feyenoord (lower than their competitors), so I believe he could've spent £43m better than Lambert has. I could go on but you get the point. In my view, he would do better.

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Well obviously I do think that he'd do a better job or I wouldn't be calling for him to replace Lambert would I? I'm not sure what you mean by 'instant success' but I would believe more in a project under his guidance than one under Lambert. I don't believe that 18 months into his reign that his team would not be able to competently pass the ball without hoofing it every five minutes. I don't believe that 18 months into his reign he still wouldn't have any sort of clue about how to set the team up at home and preside over the worst home form in the country. He is used to working on an tight budget at Feyenoord (lower than their competitors), so I believe he could've spent £43m better than Lambert has. I could go on but you get the point. In my view, he would do better. 


Apologies for the ambiguity. By instant success, I mean Koeman coming in and changing the club smoothly and without controversy over an eighteen months period under the same circumstances. I do not believe Aston Villa under Koeman would be in a better position in the league than we are currently, I accept there may be superficial changes in terms of playing style under RK, but that will not be enough to appease everyone, far from it. I think consistency is the hardest part in management and it does require time.


From my view point, it is highly likely RK would have to face a supporters' backlash at one stage or another, and would need sufficient time and funding to build a team capable of winning the majority over. Sacking Lambert will be hitting reboot and starting all over again, it is pointless.


I respect your opinion though.

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And I respect yours. Ultimately, it will always be our subjective opinion when it comes to this sort of debate because I cannot prove that Koeman would've done better in than Lambert and you cannot prove he wouldn't have.

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And I respect yours. Ultimately, it will always be our subjective opinion when it comes to this sort of debate because I cannot prove that Koeman would've done better in than Lambert and you cannot prove he wouldn't have.

Awww I feel all warm and fuzzy now.  ;)

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Joey Fecking Barton? What does he know about what players want? I bet players don't want cigars stubbed in their faces by mindless knobheads like him!

I bet when Helenius was in his teens he was watching TV at home in Denmark thinking "I really want to go to England to score a goal in the FA Cup". Was he fook!

If anything, he was thinking "If that useless, thuggish prick Joey Barton can earn thousands of pounds a week in the Premier League then so can I".

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6 clean sheets so far this season in the league. One more than last season despite the defensive injury problems.


And what about our lack of goals and lack of attacking play? Would you agree that if you lay lower and risk less, then you are bound to let in fewer goals? To illustrate, at Villa Park we have blanked 6 out of 10 games, scoring a whopping 7 times. 3 of those goals came against Man City of all teams, which means we have 4 goals in our remaining 9 games at Villa Park. That is the least in the entire league! We're not that bad away from home of course, for some reason, but I would guess it's mostly down to the fact that teams attack us and we manage to score on the counter. Our possession is the 2nd lowest in the league behind Cardiff, who now got a new manager sporting possession football.


I am extremely tired of talking Lambert up or down, I just look at the team and our performances. You might see the 6 clean sheets as an out and out positive statistic thus far, I would say there are many ways of looking at that number. Our attacking play is dreadful and we have absolutely no momentum or setup in our play when we get the ball forward, which of course make the players stay at home and take less risk. That means more people behind the ball, fewer goals up front and fewer goals at the back.


We are on course for 36 goals if we keep our average in the remaining 18 games, with basically the same team as last year (but with "reinforcements") and we are going to let in fewer than last season (which is not very difficult as we shipped in 69!). I advocated that Lambert with Norwich and for us the first season showed that he has very little knowledge on how to make his teams defend very well, seeing them letting in 66 goals in 2011/12. That is 135 goals in two seasons in charge in the Premier League and he has tried to alter things around. Now we are scoring less and shipping in less, and if we keep our average we are going to score 36 goals and let in 48. Under McLeish we got 37/53 ;) I guess the trick is to score more and make the gap bigger in terms of how many you let in, but I really don't see much difference now between Lambert and McLeish in that aspect.

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Maybe we should see where we are in May this year.

Yet when the same response was used against those claiming we were not in a relegation battle earlier this season, it was dismissed...

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Maybe we should see where we are in May this year.

Yet when the same response was used against those claiming we were not in a relegation battle earlier this season, it was dismissed...



Double standards are the norm on VT.


It's the best way to win an argument. :)


Meantime, I personally agree 100 % with GENTLEMAN that it would be both ludicrous & pointless to sack Paul Lambert.


For me PL still remains the main man.

Edited by villa-revolution
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so lambert doesn't give a xxxx about the FA Cup.

has he forgotten that the biggest part of villas history are the 7 fa cup final wins. I am totally proud of these 7 cups.

he is a disgrace.

using the fa cup as a reason to hide the fact he is a xxxx manager.

hes a championship standard manager just like mcliesh not fit for the premier league.

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so lambert doesn't give a xxxx about the FA Cup.

has he forgotten that the biggest part of villas history are the 7 fa cup final wins. I am totally proud of these 7 cups.

he is a disgrace.

using the fa cup as a reason to hide the fact he is a xxxx manager.

hes a championship standard manager just like mcliesh not fit for the premier league.

Really hope Lambert's words don't come back to bite him on the arse. For one thing, it won't put any extra bums on seats this afternoon! Like MON in the UEFA cup, it's not a good way getting of fans on your side.

Having said that though, I can see his point, but perhaps he shouldn't really be making his views public.

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