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Yesterday I was driving along behind somebody who had the personalised numberplate 'GIMPP'


I thought 8pints had a motorbike.


Following me around taking the piss out of my lack of two other wheels (which additionally I haven't posted about in months) is tad random buddy  :thumb:

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Nice! I do like Audi.


I'm in limbo with my motor... got through the MOT ok (about £300) and don't know whether to keep it or get something else. 

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Am I the only one not part of the faux middle class?

if "not part of the faux middle class" means so obsessed with one make of car that you can't acknowledge the positives of any others... Then yes. Yes you are


Edited by Stevo985
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I was never into VAG until I worked on one. It was an engineer's dream come true. On a Vauxhall you'd round off every other bolt but on a VAG everything is high quality steel with sensible engineered torque settings.

I don't care about the brand, hence why I usually go more for seat or Skoda because they're the same cars for a bit less.

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Audi make damn fine cars.

I found that their problem was that, while they charge similar rates for servicing as BMW and Mercedes, their customer care is diabolical.


With the latter two, if you buy one of their cars, then they give the sense that they have a duty of care towards you as an owner, whereas Audi's attitude appears to be 'we've had your money, f*** off until you're ready to buy again'


Or maybe that's just Birmingham Audi.

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Actually my experience was kind of the opposite. Once I'd bought the car, or at least once it was clear that I genuinely was going to give them my money, they were great (Birmingham Audi). The pick up day and everything was great.


The problem I found with them was being taken seriously in the first place. It took me 3 visits to the dealer to sit down and have a serious conversation about actually buying a car, even though on my first trip there I'd have bought one then and there.


I found that strange. It was like they did no selling, I had to convince them that I wanted the car.


I also know two different females who have both said they got treated like shit at Birmingham Audi. One of them said the dealer couldn't stop trying to sell the car to her boyfriend, despite him saying several times that it was her car, she was buying it, with her money, sell the car to her.


So yeah, I don't think they're great. But working for JLR, our dealers are terrible so it's still a step up from them :D

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