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Everything posted by WhatAboutTheFinish

  1. From @blandy just above above; The same applies, of course, to the UK. WTO determines the way that tariffs are applied. Regulatory and consumer law, providing it is not descriminatary, is purely a matter for the UK. So unless, in the unlikely event, that the government decides to scrap all tariffs and all regulation there is absolutely no reason for the UK to become a 'dumping ground'. Of course there may be another reason why you might not want products coming from the Far East that met the same regulatory standards as those coming from the EU?
  2. I don't want to get all Orville and Keith Harris on you but you started your post with 'It can't', it can. For a European company using the UK as a manufacturing base, if the cost of imported materials is less than other costs, then a fall in the pound (which you have hinted at in your second paragraph) has the potential to lower your overall production costs (in Euro). Therefore, the question becomes, do those cost reductions outweigh the cost of any tariffs imposed? If they did, would a decision to relocate production to Europe be an economic one? One other pedant point from your post, is the statement that WTO rules require tariffs, a 'fact' doubled down on in listing them as a reason for increased food prices. The WTO does not 'require' tariffs, only the even application of tariffs, should a member choose to impose them.
  3. Shudder to think that a Professor of Applied Economics might know more on a subject than a journalist. I think we've all had enough of these bloody experts thank you very much.
  4. I just found the use of profitability funny when used in conjunction with Vauxhall. Of course their position is perfectly fair, IF Brexit leads to a RETURN to unprofitably (although their only profitable year in the last 20 came post Brexit decision) a company is more than entitled to try to do something about it. Maybe somebody should ask what they intend to do if the imminent post no-deal collapse of the pound leads to a massive reduction in production costs for the UK plants compared to those in Europe, what are they going to do then?
  5. Haha Vauxhall, a company that has failed to make a profit in 19 of the last 20 years...yeah Brexit, definitely the main problem at that company.
  6. Well I don't know how you'd describe this game...but calling it a test match is certainly pushing it!
  7. About tea time on day 4...give themselves plenty of time to bowl England out for a second time!
  8. Well I thought England’s top 3 looked wafer thin...I’m downgrading the assessment to paper thin! Being reduced to 36-3 against a couple of plodders doesn’t bode well for the summer.
  9. I love this movie (the only time the singing of La Marseillaise can bring a tear to my eye!), but this picture is bugging me for the use of Baumann (character name) whilst all the other (named) players have their actual names. I believe the guy that played Baumann was Werner Roth who was in the same New York Cosmos side as Pele.
  10. Of those above...the Russian method would definitely be closest to producing the best gherkin. Any recipe involving vinegar should be summarily dismissed!
  11. I would say it is more of a surprise that 50% of the population live outside the circle!
  12. Didn’t see any of it back then and not sure I’ve even seen any of it since (if any footage exists?), but Graham Hick’s 405 not out was the stuff of legend when I was heavily into cricket as youngster around that time.
  13. Don’t know what state it is in but doesn’t Cape Cod stick out a fair bit to the east?
  14. I may be wrong, but isn’t it the party centrals that select who they want to be their representative on Question Time every week? Maybe he should ask JC why he doesn’t want a member of the Labour Movement for Europe representing them on the show instead of trying to make some faux political point about the BBC?
  15. Woah! Live text of someone else watching a documentary. Is this a format that is common on the internet or have you just invented it? If you have, monetise it quickly, it’s brilliant! (Try to give me some warning before the next one though because I have a feeling being high is going to heighten the experience!)
  16. Yeah that’s the one...The Crying Game.
  17. A lot of love for the afore mentioned The Wickerman, a film I have probably watched a hundred times and could still watch again with just as much pleasure. Honourable mention for this hottie too for producing one of the most iconic/memorable scenes in British cinema history. Also a great film.
  18. Regardless of public or private I think the error, which I admitted to, was in my understanding of the term ‘a prosecutor’. I repeat that I made a mistake. If you are are genuinely interested in why? Wiki Cambridge OED I’m sure a smart guy like you can understand why I could get confused. I’ll give Mr Ball the benefit of the doubt in that I hope he wasn’t trying to deliberately confuse and conflate by describing himself as ‘a prosecutor’ and not as ‘someone bringing a prosecution’. Having read a little more about Mr Ball (that he hasn’t had removed from the Google search listings) I’m happy to replace my ‘second rate lawyer’ with ‘shameless self publicist’ Thanks for the notes though, I’ll take them on board. D-, must try harder.
  19. That is my bad! I was only going off him saying ‘I am a private prosecutor’, with me taking the term ‘prosecutor’ to mean that of a legal professional. I mean, if I ever happen to be in court, I hope the public prosecutor is a software specialist, should give me a fighting chance! I guess my take away is; if someone is making bold claims in public, I have a personal responsibility to go away and check their veracity.
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