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Everything posted by WhatAboutTheFinish

  1. Maybe, maybe not. But that’s a different argument to saying JRM doesn’t understand positions in the Canadian political system or that he gets all his information from Wikipedia. If I did want the inside track on some gossip on the Governor of the Bank of England and I had the choice of talking with a guy who runs a multi billion pound hedge fund in the city or a random from Twitter, I know who I’d choose.
  2. Not all it seems. Although of course the whole event never happened and he wasn’t interested anyway because he never “made an outgoing telephone call” on the subject. Also interesting to note that a simple google of ‘Mark Carney and Canadian politics’ would indicate that somebody has been exercising their European right for stories to be forgotten. Wonder who?
  3. MP for Wikipedia North makes reference to story that doesn’t appear on Wikipedia. Great analysis
  4. Is that what posh people call Tuesday?
  5. I've seen a couple of other angles and she clips another car, spins and then hits the kerb travelling backwards. I don't know much about aerodynamics but I guess cars designed to produce great downforce going forward produce the opposite effect in reverse?
  6. Meanwhile in Berlin, Macron calls for; closer ties, taxation to be set by EU, budgets to be set by EU and an EU army. Looks like he’s joined the Leave campaign early just in case there is a second referendum!
  7. A deal is better than no deal but this deal isn’t better than the current deal.
  8. Surely Fox can’t go down on this ship? The whole cabinet must know the game is up now. I think those with aspirations (like Javid) may hold on for now though in case they are in advertantly forced to take over this clusterf now.
  9. I may be giving him too much credit but even that seemed to me like it was deliberate on his part. The guy seems super calculating so if he was caught with a hot mic in the first interview, would he do the same in the second?
  10. Yeah those, the old equivalised household income deciles...after housing costs of course. ?
  11. Well now we’re both putting words in each other’s mouths, I’m not saying that there isn’t an issue at the bottom end. Admittedly I had misread that the stats quoted previously and hadn’t seen that housing costs had been removed so I was surprised that the average earnings for the top 10% was so low. When we’re talking household incomes at around 90k then we’re talking households that include teachers, doctors, nurses, council workers, middle management...not people that you would consider mega rich. But like I say, I misread the stats so my point has largely been made redundant. Having said that, any tax cut is obviously going to favour those earning an income that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are a bad thing. For what it’s worth, I don’t think that anybody earning minimum wage (or less than the living wage even) should be paying any income tax at all. Although I guess that makes me an ideological tax cutting right wing fanatic?
  12. So you’ve identified and listed the concerns. Without looking to the top 10% which you’ve said you don’t want to do, what are the solutions?
  13. If those numbers are correct, and I’ve no reason to believe they are not, it means the top 10% are only earning £90 something k a year on average. That seems surprisingly low to me and perhaps indicates that income isn’t as disproportionately distributed in this country as is sometimes made out.
  14. I didn’t answer the question... only because I wasn’t sure if people were genuinely suggesting that an uneducated person’s vote should count less than those that are or whether this thread is just an opportunity to sneer at the uneducated?
  15. Is it arguable? Which was the year Labour would have won election without the working class vote?
  16. Thanks for the clarification to help my understanding. I thought I’d made a point about what was required for Labour to win an election and you’d answered it by quoting stats from an election they lost.
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