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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Friedel - An all time great, the man is **** ancient yet he still keeps our team in games. Viva Friedel.
  2. What happened after the end of LockStock? Did he rescue the guns?
  3. I was just watching Airplane, hence the reference. What's your favourite film?
  4. You ever.... seen a grown man naked?
  5. Every shot they had was a pathetic attempt from outside the box.
  6. BOF, have you ever killed a man?
  7. Interesting. I would have just told them to **** off, there's got to be plenty of other jurors available!
  8. Gareth Barry - What a jobsworth. Everyone wants Mank Citeh to fail, mostly because of their limitless cash so people want to see them burn.
  9. PLay Dleph when we play them at the league at the Sty. He'll **** Gardner up.
  10. Whats funny is Zigic was beaten to every header by Collins!
  11. My point is Houllier needs time and money. Two things our former manager had (lets not go there) and Houllier has not had yet.
  12. Yeah, and there were no takers at that price. Madrid wanted him off of their books before the window closed so they did what any business does when they need a quick sale. Even so? 8 million? Really? They paid mor ethan they let on, Madrid aren't fools they don't have limitless money.
  13. Bale is a crap left back, its no coincidence Spurs lost those 24 games ina row with him playing. Quality left winger though. And Redknapp is a dodgy word removed, does anyone else think there was something dodgy about the VDV deal? There's no way he went for 8m, he was being valued at 16-20m about 3 days before deadline day.
  14. Come the day, and come the hour, Come the power, and the glory, We have come to answer, our country's call, From the four proud provinces of Ireland Ireland, Ireland, together standing tall, Shoulder, to shoulder, We answer Ireland's call From the mighty Glens of Antrim, From the rugged hills of Galway, From the walls of Limerick, And Dublin Bay, From the four proud provinces of Ireland. Ireland, Ireland, Together standing tall. Shoulder, to shoulder, We'll answer Ireland's call. Hearts of steel, And heads unbowing, Vowing never to be broken, We will fight, until We can fight no more, From the four proud provinces of Ireland . Ireland, Ireland, Together standing tall. Shoulder, to shoulder, We'll answer Ireland's call. I know that off by heart as well. Don't ask.
  15. His reaction to the wheeler dealer thing was completely over the top, he is a **** wheeler dealer.
  16. Appledore is a nice place. I dunno if you know a place called East Buckland, but I've stayed there a fair few times, nice place.
  17. The South West would rather be its own country, you've seen how Cornish people hate the rest of England, and have their own language although no-ones properly fluent any more
  18. You're thinking of Herefordshire. Gloucestershire is full of bumpkins and ciderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  19. I wonder how many people have quickly googled it. yes I do live in a place with the word Cardiff in it. i'm ashamed to say.
  20. Sorry Levi, let me just edit my location to give away my village!
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