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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. If he does really well there - Citeh will buy better players. Victim of his own success.
  2. Anyone who's been reading Stato"s page knows Warny is suspended! ---------------Guzan---------------- --Beye---Clark--Cuellar--Lowry ----------------Sid-------NRC*------ --Albrighton-----Bannan-----Ash ---------------------delfouneso---------
  3. If I studied thunder I would have to be at least 1000% cooler.
  4. I didn't realise I studied thunder! From what he could recall, Rob's Christmas party had gone without incident
  5. Rob decided to give up cider for his new love lager.
  6. Hi General – Did you follow English football before you joined the board at Villa?
  7. No, nothing to blame the ref for... apart from 2 stonewall pens not given, giving every 50-50 to Sunderland and generally being shit, I suppose Halsey didn't affect the result. i have never seen us lose a game without someone on here saying the ref was dire. how many shots did we have in the game? none of those stone wall penalties were pens - the commentators all said so too. Spurs away the ref was okay. Newcastle away the ref was okay. MAinly because in certain games we've been mugged. (Stoke away, Sunderland away, Bolton home)
  8. No, nothing to blame the ref for... apart from 2 stonewall pens not given, giving every 50-50 to Sunderland and generally being shit, I suppose Halsey didn't affect the result.
  9. I thought Downing, Sidders, Albrighton, Young (2nd half) Beye, Heskey and Friedel were all top notch. Collins was okay, NRC MOTM (for me) Petrov was shit, Ireland shit, Warnock average.
  10. Quality block from Dunne, and good challenge by Collins. We need Gabby back. Especially or the derby!
  11. **** me, can we have a decent ref any time soon!? Why is the standard of refereeing so shit?
  12. Selling our best two players two summers running, and looking like three? Not signing anyone for the past two transfer windows? Of course. Alright Mr. Happy, calm down Gyan dives again, ANOTHER free kick to SUnderland
  13. I need advice about clearing the brook at the bottom of my garden... whoops sorry, no stream discussions!
  14. Well why noyt start with Bannan? THen sub Bannan for A;brighton and swap Bannan and Young
  15. Christs sake, Heskey wins a header, free kick. yellow card. Disgusting refereeing.
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