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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Well I want to see Fonz go out on loan (when we get some cover!) as he needs regular game time and is not yet good enough for playing week in week out. Bannan went on loan, look at the world of good that did!
  2. Brilliant win. So brilliant. Arsenal are a top side.
  3. He's from Airdrie, not the Highlands! North Lanarkshire Messi maybe! Seriously though, I like this kid. He was poor against Burnley but they targeted him I thought. I thought they did it deliberately because he was causing havoc against Blackburn. Most technically gifted player at Villa IMO. Still doesn't overtake Clark in my "Favourite Villa kid 10/11" list though
  4. What colour does a smurf go if we decide to strangle it?
  5. Oh okay. BOF, if. Chuck Norris and Carlos Cuellar had a fight who would lose? The universe or Chuck Norris?
  6. BOF, if I buttered four pieces of toast (one only one side), and then attached a piece to each foot (butter side on the cats paw) and then threw the cat into a wheely bin.... I mean off a table, what would happen? The cat will land on its feet and the toast will always land butter side down not butter side up.... So would anti gravity occur?
  7. So what games did you expect 3 points Bickster? I was hopeful going into Wolves and SHA, but certainly not expecting. To say that we would win all but Spurs and Chelsea (which presumably we would both draw) is a bit disrespectful to Sunderland who have been as solid as we have at home. I never expect 3 points in a derby, they are always (with the odd exception) close affairs. 11 points would have been brilliant, but 5 points is not a disaster is it?
  8. An interesting question would be how many points did we expect from these fixtures? Wolves (a) 1 point Spurs. (a) 0 points Chelsea (h) 1 point Sunderland (a) 1 point SHA (h) 1 point (hoped for 3) That's 4 points, exactly as what we've got now. Without Gabby we lack in attack, and the injury to Sran didn't do us as much good. Its not as if we've just played Wigan, Blackpool, West Ham, west brom and Blackburn at home in thje league and gained 4 points is it?
  9. I think we should judge Houllier now. I mean yes MON had 120m and 4 years in charge, but weren't we promised miracles by Rnady and Houllier? (Yes btw)
  10. The Airdrie Messi! I like the lad, he's got attitude and ability. He's got wonderful little twinkly-toes when on the ball, Messi-lite-esque. (I'm not saying he's as good as Messi, just similar int eh way the ball seems glued to his laces.) Him trying to outjump Zigic was hilarious, and Barry, we were laughing with you, not at you!
  11. WTF? I was there and on kick off the atmosphere was cracking! As Shillzz says, the longer the ghame went on the quieter it became but it was still noisy!
  12. This is what I don't get. What would MON have done there then? Nothing different except he would have played Cuellar at right back and put Osbourne in midfield.
  13. Cheers. Blues fans complaining about not getting a penalty! Did they not see their keeper poleaxe Clark when he tried to get a shot in?
  14. We need Gabby back. When is he back? I've ased this hundreds of times but have so far not heard an aswer.
  15. I have a premontion Heskey will score a goal for us today.
  16. Already set off, already far up the M5! Come on you Villa boys! Good health all and up the Villa!
  17. I hate to say it, but NRC couldn't score a paper bag with a Stanley knife.
  18. Stats for comfort 1 goal conceded at home in the league (Played Chelsea, Bolton, Everton and West Ham) 8 points out of 12 gained at home 0 defeats on a domestic front for 6 games 10 goals on the domestic front at home 3 conceded on the domestic front at home Heskey has 3 home goals IAC, Ash has 3 home goals IAC and Downing has 2 (IAC) Houllier was the last Plop manager to beat the Scum in the league. And of course...... WE'RE THE **** VILLA!!!
  19. Andy - Next year can you go "Spurs 09/10" on our kids please? You've done a good job mate, you've made Sidders better than normal though!
  20. I tried to upload the 5-4 game to YouTube! No luck so far.
  22. Top, (not joking, not glitching) Pl 21 W 16 D 3 L 2 F 41 A 18 Celtic in the 1st round of the UEFA Cup. LOst 3 game IAC - Everton away 2-0, Steaua home 3-1 and Blackpool home 2-1 Beaten Chelsea away 5-4 AET in the cup, Blues 3-0 away (hurray!) Chelsea 3-1 at SB, Arsenal away 1-0, Liverpool and Man City also 1-0 and United at home 2-1. Kadlec scored a screamer for my winner against Yernited. get him, he'll be class. ---------------------------------------Friedel------------------------------------- ------------Young----------Miranda-----------Dunne---------Coentrao-------- ------------------------------NRC------------------Petrov----------------------- --------------Giuliano-------------------Ireland------------------Young-------- ---------------------------------------Suarez------------------------------------- Bench Fabio Collins Bannan Sidwell Downing Kadlec/Delfouneso Gabby
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