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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Also speaking of the Russians i think its farcical they're allowed to compete at all. Banned for widspread doping but sure yeah you guys can come anyway. Go for it.
  2. In 1948 maybe, GB finished 3rd in 2012 with 29 golds, pretty good Olympics that Just went through all Olympic tables since 1948... worst host was surprisingly Canada in 1976. 0 gold medals as host. Big oof. Greece, Brazil and Mexico all turned in pretty average showings. Predictably the American, Soviet and Chinese hosting of Olympics was very one-sided
  3. Japan top of the medals table atm. Massive shock as the hosts. Who was the last host country to absolutely bomb it at their own Olympics? Agree with some of the comments I read earlier in the thread. No idea how Squash isnt there but tennis is, Kickboxing isnt allowed but a dull sport like Taekwondo is and the Olympic football is a joke. How is this a thing? Should be 5-a-side. Make it intense and entertaining. No point having these massive sports like football, basketball, tennis, rugby there if they're not the pinnacle of their sporting discipline. The boxers are all amateur making it more interesting and competitive. There really needs to be a shakeup with the sports involved. Dressage being here is a farce and so is golf It's always good seeing some smaller countries get the glory... Fiji winning the 7s again was good and Latvia winning the mini basketball
  4. I do love it though. Didn't even realise that was Karl Urban in Supremacy as the bad guy for years. And the shaky-cam fighting gets a lot of stick but I think it captures the frenetic and adrenaline-filled fighting that it tries to do
  5. Bourne Trilogy suffers from the fact that 2 and 3 re-tread (pun not intended) so much of Identity
  6. Been re-watching Phoenix Nights. Absolutely incredible.
  7. I can't agree with any of those except Terminator 2. The first BTTF is an all-all-timer and the 2nd is really good but doesn't touch it. Alien is definitely a better film than Aliens but Aliens is an easier watch. Btw I think Alien-Aliens might be the biggest genre shift i can think of between a film and its direct sequel
  8. Beaten to it, was gonna break the Biz Markie news too. Swear there was a rumour about him passing away a couple of weeks ago
  9. "I haven't laughed since my wife died" "Why did you laugh when your wife died?" There's so many lines in it that crack me up
  10. As I haven't had my natural Silhillian accent since about 2003, I often find myself mimicking the language patterns of others unconsciously when speaking with them. There are a few Midlands things I'll say where I'll don the accent like a hat like "Ta ra a bit" when saying goodbye to my parents, who respond in kind. Or "yallroight" when saying hello. Similarly thanks to where I live in Gloucester I'll often don a very exaggerated Gloucester aaaaccent to say them. The biggest imitation I find myself doing is the Gloucester long Arrrr. My sister has a half-Stockport accent from her time up there too which is always funny
  11. Watched the Death of Stalin again on Sunday. A thoroughly entertaining black comedy with a decent amount of historic accuracy. Some absolutely glorious performances including Jason Isaacs having a world of fun as Georgy Zhukov, and Simon Russell Beale as Beria is magnificent and a total bastard. Always love Armando Ianucci's stuff and would love to see him tackle some other historical political manoeuvring
  12. I keep going back and watching Touch of Cloth at the minute. Criminal it only got 6 episodes
  13. NOW - onto Loki having seen the finale. I got it wrong-ish.
  14. Black Widow was enjoyable for me. Ray Winstone's accent kept making me laugh and Overall though I enjoyed it. David Harbour seemed to be having a lot of fun and Florence Pugh was really good too. Interested to see where they go with her next especially considering the post-credits scene
  15. I've got to say as well that the music for this series has been great. I think the composer is Natalie Holt and the music has been absolutely tremendous. Also yes I'm absolutely here for Also
  16. Last weeks episode felt like a filler episode. This one did not. Best episode of the series that.
  17. Ah man I enjoyed the first episode of Loki.
  18. Charles Grodin Midnight Run is a stone-cold classic and Grodin was the heartbeat of every scene.
  19. Ah I never much cared for Event Horizon. It had a few good moments but felt like a missed opportunity for me
  20. It is indeed. Really enjoyable and you never hear anything about it these days
  21. A film I haven't watched for years and years I stumbled across on Disney+.... The 13th Warrior. Good film and near the bottom of McTiernan's best. If he doesn't run into the legal trouble he does what other classics does he bestow on the world... Also forgot one of the best/most clever transitions with the language change when he starts learning from them
  22. Watched Invincible on Amazon Prime. Really enjoyed it
  23. Well I've not had a very high opinion of our 5th rounders. Seem pretty average which is a shame. Maybe I'll be proven completely wrong but I think we've really ignored areas of improvement like Edge and WR
  24. Jaylon Moore (OT). Ugh. Really wish we'd made our defence deeper than picking another tackle who'll not play
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