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Everything posted by theunderstudy

  1. Interestingly the company I work for has an office in Chatsworth (Los Angeles) which is consistently referred to as Chatsworth rather than "the LA office"
  2. I do the same with Salford and Stockport off-hand to most people when referring to visiting my sister as "going to Manchester" even though Salford it it's own city and Stockport is in Cheshire
  3. I guess a lot of people go off the postal town. Solihull and Oldbury and Halesowen (and I think Bootle too?) are all postal towns and Birmingham is nowhere near the official address. Thing is Brum has expanded so much it's swallowed areas of historic Warwickshire and Worcestershire and Staffordshire so places like that see themselves as separate. With that being said I'm not offended if someone pinpoints me as a Brummie in the same way someone from the Black Country would be. I've always seen myself as "native" to Birmingham as a city
  4. Yeah really liked the look of the Loki trailer. I'm impressed at the inventiveness they're trying for over their Disney+ shows. Don't think there's a better carrier for a show about alternate timelines and branch realities in the MCU than Hiddleston's Loki
  5. Real shame about Paul Ritter, always enjoyed him in Friday Night Dinner. Had no idea he was ill
  6. Going to Colyton in Devon hopefully in August. Hoping to go to the Kingdom of Fife in October. Wanted to go to Alcudia in Mallorca but think thatll be pushed to 2022
  7. I'm from Solihull which I consider basically an annex of Birmingham but if I'm ever talking to a Brummie I'd always make the distinction of saying I'm from Sullyull rather than Brum. I guess I've always felt like Greater Birmingham isn't seen as a thing in the same way as Greater Manchester or Greater London.
  8. Plus being away from Adam Gase and working with Joe Brady will surely mean some improvement. He does well and is salvageable - Panthers can build with it. He sucks - Panthers grab a QB in the top 5 in 2022. I don't think it's as risible as some are making out
  9. Watched The Devil's Advocate. That movie is a lot more fun than you remember. Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves make a great pairing
  10. One of the writers from John Wick was writing on this episode and it explains a lot. Very good episode, really enjoyed the locations and having Daniel Brühl have a load of screen time was also good.
  11. I'm just disappointed the next ship captain didn't pull the ultimate practical joke and ground his vessel in the canal too
  12. Sewell is not getting past Cincinnati. He's the Quenton Nelson of this draft class but at tackle, probably end up as All-Pro. I think Broncos should take whatever drops to them where they are and it'll be at worst a top-end receiver like Pitts for TE or one of the plethora of top WRs. WRT the draft order Jags won't pass on Lawrence so that's him sealed to them, I can't see the Jets going with Darnold so Zach Wilson is almost a lock at 2 and we wouldn't give up two firsts to move up for Sewell (as we've got Trent Williams at LT) or Devonta Smith/Jaylen Waddle as WR isn't a massive hole need either. So we're definitely going up for QB. (Plus you don't give up that much capital for receivers or non-elite edge players) Falcons will take either Sewell or a QB at 4 depending on how they feel about Matt Ryan's future. With 3 QBs gone the likelihood is it'll be best case scenario McCorkle Jones or Trey Lance. Lance could be interesting for them as he's very much a project and with Ryan there he has no need to immediately start and get ripped to shreds by critics/fans
  13. Watched Grosse Pointe Blank again tonight for the first time in..... . Ages. Such a good film
  14. Wilson Fields or Lance are the options. One is going to the Jets (gut feeling is Fields) so one will be drafted by the 49ers. Not massive fans of any of them tbh. As long as it's not **** Mac Jones....
  15. Jessica Walter dead Played two of the best TV characters of the last 20 years, Lucille Bluth and Malory Archer
  16. Yeah I remember reading about the sailors frozen in ice. The image was always really fascinatingly stuck in my head.
  17. Watched some comfort films recently. Raiders of the Lost Ark and Paddington 2. I have a list of about 40 films I could put on whatever my mood and they're two of the best
  18. Yep. Enjoyed that. Interesting to see where the season goes but seeing Bucky have to do therapy as part of his pardon is a good reason to delve into his head a little. Also yeah seeing Batroc again was cool. Helps Anthony Mackie is a compelling actor but he's very good at showing the vulnerable human side of the most human of the Avengers
  19. Yep, pretty big for us. Some questions over right guard but we've shored up where we needed to in FA by re-signing key players and picking up Ebukam as a rotational edge and Mack who worked with Shanahan twice. The draft just became more of a BPA/trade scenario for us
  20. On Yaphet Kotto I'm not letting his passing go without mention of his turn in Midnight Run which is one of my favourites
  21. Yep. Max Von Sydow was gone so it was guaranteed that discount MVS would be following
  22. I reckon every team in the NFC except for the Seahawks Cardinals and Packers would happily trade for him
  23. The Texans are so incompetent they might not even trade him out of the conference. Hell they're so incompetent I could see them not trading him out of the division.
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