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Everything posted by Rob182

  1. That's right. The people I have ignored are because their same old arguments are tiresome. I have no problem with people being negative or realistic. It all fuels a good debate, which is never a bad thing! However, some people are so pathetic with their arguments. Can you imagine an opposition goal being solely blamed on a player who played a sloppy pass, to a player who then fouled the opposition, resulting in a free kick, resulting in a cross... to a goal? HA! Can you imagine even IMAGINING having a reasonable debate with someone who would post such drivel?
  2. I was about to post something similar Tom. Lambert, like the team he's building, has a lot of potential.
  3. It can tt! Make sure you're using the full site (not mobile version). Click on the little arrow next to your username in the top-right hand corner of the screen. On the dropdown, click 'Manage Ignore Prefs', then you can type in the names of any members that you find tiresome, repetetive, irritating, childish, petty, argumentative, depress-.. You get it Make sure you click the tickboxes to ignore all their posts/ sigs/ chat entries etc
  4. I may have to make this a daily request fellas... Please stop quoting Morpheus as it means people who have blocked him have to look at his posts. Houllierout's posts too
  5. A fairly pointless post in this thread AndyBM
  6. Rob182

    General Chat

    My right eye. I've got a feeling that I've caught it from my cat, is that possible?
  7. Rob182

    General Chat

    One of my eyes is really bloodshot, and has been for days. Do I have aids?
  8. Good posts VillakevBromsgrove! ...despite using as few full-stops as possible I have faith that Lambert will get us out of the drop-zone, and I think we'll finish between 13th-16th. Not as comfortable as we'd like, but a building block for next year. Regarding our shaky defence, I've always had faith in Clark, and I think that he could be a good player in the future. But I'm wondering whether Lambert's way of setting up a team (attack! attack! attack!) would suit having two experienced centrebacks? Maybe we should buy someone experienced in January to partner Vlaar? I don't know, I'm just thinking aloud.
  9. Islingtonclaret: I'd prefer it if people stopped using quotes for Morpheus. It bypassess the filter if you do that. Every little helps. (sorry islingtonclaret, one last quote before I click the block button)
  10. Islingtonclaret, play it! It's my day off work Tomorrow so I'll be having a full day of Skyrim!
  11. So.. Let me get this straight. El Ahmadi lost the ball, and fouled the opposition, which lead to a free kick, which lead to their goal. But because Benteke's pass was a bit wayward - it's his fault that El Ahmadi lost the ball and resulted in fouling? Why don't we take it back one further and say that it's the fault of whoever chose to hoof the ball to Benteke. They could see there was a Man Utd player near him, why didn't they pass to someone else? It's a crazy point to make, Morpheus.
  12. It's hard not to when you spam most threads with you irritating, confrontational bullshit. Imo, of course.
  13. Houllier out! It's his training methods, don't ya know!?
  14. Is anyone still playing this? I've picked it up again after being distracted by other things in my life!
  15. 80% was definately the rough figure that was mentioned a few years ago. I remember reading that our wage bill was higher than Spurs, amongst other sides (this was a Spurs side containing Van der Vaart, Modric etc etc)
  16. I think Hutton, Warnock & Makoun will definately go, if offers are made. Ireland & Delph have been picked sporadically through the season so I think they'll stay. Given, Bent, Delfouneso, Dunne & N'Zogbia... who knows?!
  17. I think we should stick with the Benteke/Gabby partnership. I have a feeling that Benteke needs someone to graft with him upfront. Bent doesn't do that, and I think it would end up leaving them both fairly isolated.
  18. This isn't a technical issue, but I thought I'd post it here. I have to say, I'm not a fan of the big layout of the new site. One thing that I used to love about VT, which I thought set it apart from ALL other forums I had seen, was that everything looked tidy. All other forums seemed to be a lot bigger, and seemed messier because of it. Now we've gone to the same format. One post seems to take up a whole page and I'm really not a fan. Can posts/ pages not be made a bit smaller, more in line with the old site?
  19. Those ppl saying to start Bent & Benteke. I thought Gabby had a really good game. So I'd be inclined to stick with Gabby & Benteke tbh
  20. I'd prefer the one that Leeds do for Luciano Becchio. Chris-ti-an Bentekeee Chris-ti-an Bentekeee
  21. Rob182

    General Chat

    A Golden Nugget Plec, but I have a feeling that I saw the tag on a different tank that said £25... I think I was overcharged, but I didn't go back into the shop to ask, incase I looked daft and he said "No, it's right"
  22. Rob182

    General Chat

    I have to now use the mobile version whenever I'm at work because this new site is a giant ballbag. Sorry Limpid. My work computer just doesn't like it On topic... I spent £35 on one fish at the weekend (£50 in total because I bought a few more). I immediately regretted it when I sat in my car and realised how much I'd spent. (To any fish owners out there, I have a tropical tank, not a marine tank, so I generally don't spend more than £10 on any one fish)
  23. Rob182

    General Issues

    It still hasn't remembered anything. It just takes me to the first page (baring in mind, I'm using the mobile version) Oh well! Btw, I did manage to find the 'edit' button. Like on a phone, it appeared and disappeared when I clicked or highlighted on the main part of someones post. It gave me the 'quote' option on others posts, and the 'edit' one on posts of my own.
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