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Everything posted by villaglint

  1. Also for people saying he should shoot more, I've been watching him since he was 16 and it always been the same. He's our Alrxander Hleb infuriating but brilliant
  2. He was MOTM for me, completely understand this is is not the day to try and be rational but I thought he was outstanding from min 1
  3. Would be interesting but I think there is no way Ed would go for that as part of a coalition deal. If he couldnt make a government work any other way they may have another election which would effectively become a UK referendum on Scotland
  4. Fit for Sunday apparently, be an obvious replacement for Sanchez if we keep the same shape.
  5. Not even on the agenda this time round! Sadly think we missed the boat on that one for a good while.
  6. can somebody explain how films like this get funded? surely they dont make any money from it? Surely when they see an actor like danny dyer they just go "nope its going to be shit, im pulling out" I'm guessing you give Mr Dyer £5k for 3 days work, which he does happily because it's easy money and he's doing a favour for his mate, the uncle / dad / agent of one of the kids behind the camera. The rest of the cast get a D Dyer movie on their CV and a week of free lunches. Keep production costs below £40k Persuade Asda to take a thousand copies for their £5 dvd shelf, persuade Morrisons that they need to take 500 copies, persuade one of those TV channels in the late night channel hopper zone to take a copy for £5k And you've lost about £35,000. I have absolutely no idea. Tax write offs I think. Movie industry is notorious for it. That is why there are so so many films which exist which you have never heard of.
  7. Very good noises coming from the big man at the moment. However just so we are not rewriting history. He says he wasnt happy under Lambert because he wasnt fit, and wasnt getting any chances. Whilst it is definitely true that we really struggled to create chances under Lambert and he didnt get many. I remember him missing about 4-5 sitters in the first half dozen games he had back after injury. Nitpicking I know but something in me was drawn to point that out.
  8. And it only took 5 CBs to achieve that! I think we need one more than most clubs.
  9. I'd go Okore over Baker for two reasons. 1 - I see pace and quick(er) feet being more important than aerial power. It is Sterling, Coutinho and poss Sturrdige we need to stop. They arent going to be lumping balls forward that Baker can mop up. 2 - I would imagine Okore is going to be a bit sharper than Baker who is coming back from a fairly long time out. He did great against Spurs against Kane/Soldado but I would still expect Okore to be near match fitness after playing most games this season. Vlaar is a more than capable left sided CB and from memory the two have looked a decent pairing in the few matches they've had together.
  10. Has this been officially annouced anywhere?
  11. I don't think its about not "getting" football more just what you enjoy. Not everybody likes the same things.
  12. Football is all about opinions Zatman for me keep ball in the mode that Lambert played (ie no goals and no chances) is boring but keep ball, whilst scoring goals and controlling the game entirely is art in my opinion. Not saying Bayern are "art" this year not really seen enough of them but the point still stands I think.
  13. I've been going to the gym five days a week for the last 7 years but I'd say I've never really known what I'm doing but pick things up here and there from stuff you read and threads like this. Good example of my naivety when it comes to the gym I never deadlifted or squatted until about six months ago because I feared the exercises due to years of lower back issues. Within a few weeks of doing them all the issues went away. Stupid in hindsight especially bearing in mind that I tried so many other things to sort it Chiro, physio, regular stretching etc. I tend to change goals fairly regularly, to train for specific events or sports. I haven't ever really had the motivation to truly move through the weights, like SBS 65kg dbs is mind boggling to me I've never even seen a weight that big.
  14. That is astonishing! Stevo you are such a weed. Not sure what that makes me!
  15. I think he'll want a striker. If we are playing two up top then we need another option for Gabby, loss of form/injury. Assuming Kozak is fit enough to be back up for Benteke. I'm not sure Andi is the man for that job.
  16. Incidentally Stevo did you get those 38kg db in position yourself or did you have someone with you? Coming off a rack with a bar is different but I'd never be able to get the dumbells up there on my own if that makes sense. That pretty much goes for all dumbell press exercises to be honest. I find it very difficult to do a 5 rep max because the highest weight I can get up on my own I can generally do 10 reps plus of. Need a gym buddy but that is a draw back of going at lunch.
  17. Yeah I think your right and I do generally cut too fast. For instance this time round I'll be looking to lose around 4kg which I'll probably do in a month. I don't really do the whole bulk/cut cycle so for me its more about getting to the right body fat% and then I'll go from there. Obviously there is some muscle penalty to losing weight a bit too quickly, but in the past I havent noticed any drop in what I'm doing at the gym although clearly not going up in these periods.
  18. I actually dont find it fluctuates that much. Generally if I have a gluttonous day or go out on the piss it will show up on the scales the next day. If I eat right and go to the gym it will nudge down. When I'm not cutting and eating the right calories it stays pretty much rock solid.
  19. I have weighed myself every morning post shit but pre breakfast! for the past 12 months so I have a very good idea of how my weight changes to what I eat/burn. I actually think if I did it weekly I would get more misleading results but thats probably preference. Which is why usually after a day like that I would have expected a drop but no matter. edit. yep do weight myself at the same time, straight out of bed, just step on the scales before getting in the shower.
  20. So yesterday I did, 45 mins weight session, 16 mins HIT, approx two hours of digging in the garden in the evening. Had a small bowl of cereal, bowl of soup for lunch and an apple, chicken stir fry (pretty low cal) and a banana. (I'm also on a pre holiday cut). Didnt lose a bean of weight when I weighed myself this morning! Never mind sure it will show up in the coming days.
  21. I don't actually think strength is the main issue, though he will develop on that front for sure. If you look at players like Ashley Young and David Silva they are by no means strong, it is more about knowing where to put your body in relation to the defender being assured of your touch. That comes with game time and given his touch and skill it wouldnt surprise me if in a season or two he is very very economical with the ball.
  22. Interesting.. don't think Liverplop would see it coming which might give us an element of surprise. I dont think there is a cat in hells chance of Okore playing left back. If Sherwood kept faith with Richardson after QPR, he will do against after Spurs. Even though the thought of him defending against Sterling scares me to hell, I keep telling myself QPR was all down to fitness and he can only get better.
  23. I think he's talking about a 90 degree external rotation rotator cuff exercise. I'm guessing he ment bend in the elbow rather than shoulders. If your bending your shoulders then you definitely have issues with your form!
  24. Thanks for the advice. I used to do bench press lowering the bar to an inch or two above my chest. After reading varying bits I thought I was probably cheating and started going down to touch my chest and that is when the niggle in my front left shoulder started. I've given it a few weeks off and it feels like it is pretty much gone. Now starting again with low weights going super slow to make sure I build up the full range of motion which was obviously missing last time. Will heed the advice in putting together a new schedule.
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