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Everything posted by TreeVillan

  1. He probably says "Hurry up making those **** toys will ya?!"
  2. Say what you will about Trump, but he certainly would have binned off Bruce by now.
  3. Apart from the shit tonne of TV money and extra ticket sales etc? The play offs are called the richest competition in the world for a reason. (Least I think it's called that, don't kill me)
  4. Newsnow is just a breeding ground for clickbait, I personally only click ones that have the fact in the title. I.e "John Terry leaves Villa" rather than "you will never guess which former England captain has told his manager to **** off whilst on holiday in Magaluf".
  5. It gets views mate, which is what the game is all about. Just avoid them, if they report anything of note then someone will post it here anyways.
  6. Those are devil horns, as we're on page 666. So put em up! \m/,
  7. Oh Dr Tony... Please stop with the Emoji's... You're sending our club down hill! You put the con... In emoticon.. You didn't even pay the tax bill!
  8. Well I'm not jumping on the band wagon here, trying to interpret the tweet with an open mind. I personally think from that tweet that he's not looking to sell, or sell 100% anyway.
  9. I'm not going to pretend that I know how these things work but surely it's down to Jack where he works, he is a human being after all. Can't see how an administrator could come along as say "sorry mate we've decided you've gotta work elsewhere" "nevermind what your contract says".
  10. He responded to the lie that our wage bill is spiralling, which it isn't.
  11. Imagine if we didn't let that Fulham goal in and we won on penalties.. you would all be asking for a Dr Tony statue outside the ground.
  12. Which world class players have sold for £30m recently? Maybe if they had half a day left on the contract you'd have a point.
  13. Playing Devil's advocate here, do you really only want a style of football because it's fashionable? Would you not accept Jose, Simeoni or even Rowett?
  14. The keeper was awful tonight, every shot on target confused him and inevitably went in. Definitely not prem level.
  15. What they gonna do during the proposed winter break? When it's just cold in Jan but buckets down in Feb/March like this?
  16. It seems that everywhere unless I'm mistaken has suddenly increased their love of the EU? Doesn't seem likely.
  17. Grabban your coat, you're barred!
  18. Was wondering if anyone could make the above but with a larger inner circle and a thinner outer one. Also maybe with the star centered above the badge, not sure in what colour though.
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