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Everything posted by GarethRDR

  1. In solidarity with the lion on the badge, he got turned around, thus couldn't find the stadium.
  2. Happy new year y'all! Whelp, I already have my discovery of 2024 down; a friend put me on to MEUTE this morning, a German techno marching band. I watched one video and was swiftly booking up tickets to their London show at the Troxy in September. Das ist genau meine Marmelade. Also got a keen eye on a Michael Rother / James Holden show in Feb. It's been a very Teutonic day.
  3. I had one CD album that if you held down the "rewind" (i.e. skip second) button at the very start of track 1, there was a couple super secret bars of intro to the album opener. To this day (and despite taking an HND in Music Production) I don't understand the voodoo required to make that happen (which might be why I failed said HND).
  4. Ha, in my haste to jot down homework notes from the rest of your list, I didn't clock this. Really hoping they make their way over here at some point.
  5. Discovering "new" old stuff is great, too. Couple of occasions back of visiting my folks, my Dad put me on to Isao Tomita's Snowflakes Are Dancing. I'd never heard of it, loved it and genuinely had no idea that he was into that kind of thing, such was the totality of his musical consumption that I had witnessed growing up venturing no further than Dire Straits, Fine Young Cannibals or the Top Gun soundtrack.
  6. The true majesty of those snare hits can only really be appreciated on vinyl.
  7. I've had about three days straight of just rinsing this one now, and yeah, superb.
  8. Ooh, I may have to jump back in then.
  9. Though I tend to find their type of thing a bit of a struggle to get through, they once won me over with endearingly self-knowing patter, thus: [set opener ends] "...and now our second and final song!"
  10. My three shouts for "at least one of these should be in everybody's collection".... At The Drive-In - Relationship Of Command Boards Of Canada - Music Has The Right To Children Slint - Spiderland
  11. This and that clip of Liam Neeson in whatever film it was where he vaults over one fence in fifteen cuts always raises a chuckle. The fact the above won an award probably makes it the more egregious of the two. For posterity: Kevin Dunn would be proud.
  12. The news about the lay-offs broke about a week after I'd gotten £100 in Bandcamp vouchers as a birthday gift, I panic-burned through that pretty quickly! In terms of mechanics, not a great deal seems to have changed as of yet, but I'm dreading the inevitable full-bore enshittification. If you've a sizeable collection, it'd be worth downloading it all at some point and storing locally.
  13. Unsurprisingly, Alien³ getting less than it actually deserves there. And I think it's only fair to judge it on the superior Assembly Cut, because I bet pound to a penny that that Aliens rating is based on the Director's Cut, otherwise you're losing enough of the better moments (sentry guns, Ripley's daughter) that there's no way it could be better than Alien. It should be Alien and Aliens equal full bars and Alien³ a half-bar.
  14. All physical purchases i.e. CDs for me, wherever possible. Not a huge fan of digital only releases, I only do vinyl if I absolutely have to, and I don't use Spotify. If I want to listen to something I've not heard before on a kinda try-before-buy basis, I tend to do that from Bandcamp (he said, nervously aware of all the bullshit going on over there at the moment ).
  15. Last week has thrown up a new contender for me, at the very least it's my noodly-jam of the year: Oavette's self-titled debut.
  16. Bonnacons are great, mind I've not gotten round to checking the new album yet. Need to get on that
  17. *nervously side-eyes this season's shenanigans*
  18. James McCaffrey, voice actor behind Max Payne and other assorted characters in the Remedy-verse. One of the most iconic voices in gaming, his Max Payne was. Absolutely gutting.
  19. Precisely what the Chewits adverts of the mid-80s got right as well. Powerful stuff.
  20. It could be worse, I guess. We're traipsing up to Leeds for it, as she had initially tried and mercifully failed to get tickets to the London show, to which apparently Ed Sheeran turned up as a surprise support act. Think I'd have gone postal.
  21. Very nice. I, erm, have to go and see The Darkness next week. It's my wife's fault. And to be fair, she has probably been to 100+ gigs of stuff that's bored her senseless, but I can't lie that a) a part of me will be dying inside and b) it is the closest I've come to considering if not divorce, at least a trial separation.
  22. Puts them in the same esteemed company as Dion Dublin.
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