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Everything posted by blandy

  1. I think it's unlikely to get renamed unless it's knocked down and rebuilt (applies to both the North and the Witton Lane stands).
  2. Of course, yet I wonder if it would have made a blind bit of difference in the face of "project fear" claims, because I suspect (from the sample of leave voters I know) that they didn't vote leave based on economic impact papers or claims, but on other issues - immigration, sovereignty, and all that - intangible arguments, mostly. I genuinely only know two people who used rational argument to back up their position to leave - one of them is @Awol on here, and another is a work colleague. All the others, and there are plenty, were more emotion based. And for those you can't use reason to get them from a position they got to without using reasoning.
  3. It's important to be able to impress, with a certain style, don't you think?
  4. But, mate. If it wasn't called "Nelson's column" what would you call it? I mean most statutes are of people whose name is their name. Unless it's a statute of an aminal or something. And if it was a statute of an unknown German soldier from the war, it would be Eponymous Bosch. #knowingaboutculture
  5. cheese and tomato sandwich, with salad cream, S&V seabrooks and
  6. The Smith’s, for a brief moment were a brightly, brilliantly, burning light ( fill in the rest yourselves...) but they were good. Morrisey, though...
  7. He's truly excellent with Lyrics/songwriting, but musical talent ?? I thought it was almost a self proclaimed thing that he's barely competent on guitar or keys.
  8. Can't argue with who's on that list (some left off mind), even though Bowie and the AMs are fine by me, they are overrated.
  9. "The Eagles greatest Hits" - I guess it must have been some sort of compilation of drugs and drinks they were on?
  10. Thanks. My post wasn't wasted.
  11. Mistake. Should have just left "The Beatles" "Queen" "Both the Above"
  12. That 'Hotel California' song seems like one to check out.
  13. Aye. Lots of people buying something doesn’t make it good. Popularity isn’t really (alone) a gauge of quality. BigMacs are huge selling meals. Coldplay sell loads of records, but ‘the self styled cognoscenti’ think they’re bobbins.
  14. Acting leader Harriet Harman has said Labour will now support plans for an EU referendum by the end of 2017. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-32863749 and many other sources. So while it’s true Miliband opposed the idea, once he left, labour supported the idea. It’s all hypothetical I suppose, sliding doors and all that, but the dam was always going to burst at some point, unless the causes of the “leave” result were addressed, rather than fed, by politicians.
  15. Thanks VT, I did some likes because you made me do a laugh, coupla pages back there.
  16. I know it’s dreadful. . . . Bruce out! ?
  17. There’s some key factors in there for sure. Hanging round with a female of limited musical talent, a key mentor, the influence of a kind of mania around look and image on people’s perception of their music, a degree of innovation and a degree of stealing of others’ tunes. Cant think of anyone else who might fit that category, can you?
  18. That explains why they're shit down the left, keep looking backwards and are not involved in Europe.
  19. The last Labour manifesto was a mix of half good and half stupid plans. It was certainly "different".
  20. That's right. They're unaffordable even without Brexit. (it was an open goal)
  21. Losing Poysden seems a mistake, I like him. Generally though Ashley Giles knows what he's doing. We had a team made almost exclusively of older players and there was a clear need to change that and rebuild the squad. I trust Gilo.
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