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Everything posted by bielesibub

  1. Whats the chances? Newcastle have one attempt and score it....
  2. I'd say we've been like it since we first played in the 10-0-0 formation back in the day....
  3. Dean Smith, thanks for all the fish
  4. that was bloody horrible - AGAIN! Why did they have to start the Premiership again? I'm tempted to ask if I could have a Villa sabbatical or if there is some football furlough scheme I could join?
  5. Love the leadership poses, think they might have missed someone off the 'stellar' cast:
  6. I've just had to sit through Dr Doolittle ... OMG, what a load of sh1te! imdb.com reviewers say '"it's a kids film, what do you expect?", well... even my kids didn't like it - Ironman is so dead!
  7. Hey trekka, I might need to take you up on this in the near future if the offer is still out there?
  8. I mentioned to the wife that I've never seen so many people walking up and down our road! lets look on the bright side.
  9. It's heartbreaking, I'm 45 with 4 kids and I'm in the high-risk stay in for 12 weeks group.
  10. I handed back my Audi 2 weeks ago, personal 'rip you off' lease plan, they neglect to labour the point that it could cost you thousands to hand back, but push you with the cost you nothing if you take out another lease with us. Social media is vile
  11. Just ordered mine - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Archie-McPhee-Character-Goods-Foil/dp/B07CXZBRW5/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=tinfoil+hat&qid=1584431467&sr=8-2
  12. Bet they'll have gone up (insert picture of Kenneth Williams here....)
  13. I don't understand the bog roll panic, the last thing on my mind at the moment is how clean my bum hole is going to be!
  14. For sciatica have you tried using a TENS machine? Careful with Ibuprofen, I was taking ibuprofen, paracetamol and gabapentin for pain relief, ended up giving myself duodenal ulcers! Case of the meds making things far worse! I now rely on my TENS machine and paracetamol for pain relief.
  15. I'm 45, got MS, wife and 4 kids, I'm on meds (Fingolimod) that suppress my immune system, I've been told by my MS nurses to keep away from people as much as possible. I said I think I could manage keeping away from the wife, but not the kids! I wasn't too concerned about the thing until I spoke to my older sister yesterday - she was telling me the things that are happening in the hospitals in London!
  16. If the season is abandoned, never thought I'd say it, I'd feel really sorry for Leeds - they get their chance to get back into the Premiership after what seems like a lifetime of them being nearly there and along comes Coronavirus to stop them.
  17. If the premiership are OK with it, my son and myself would be happy to step in and finish the season off via FIFA 20.
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