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Everything posted by bielesibub

  1. Do they train together? They don't seem to have a clue about where or what each others responsibilities are. I'd like to say shocking, but its same sh1t different week,
  2. I meet quite a lot of Villa fans down these parts. Lots from the Navy, I've always reckoned its because us Brummies crave to be beside the seaside.
  3. Come on Villa. My son (11) has bagged a ticket in the family section with his Southampton supporting mates, he insisted on wearing his Villa top under his bright orange hoodie! He's been practising his Allez Allez Allez all morning. Hopefully we won't lose! UTV!
  4. Oxford Street is quite good for food and beer. Ocean VILLAge is nearby as well - both away from the 'city centre'. I remember about 20 years ago, the Ocean Village sign being robbed of all letters other than VILLA - not sure if it was after a game or just student shenanigans. If anyone is in Locks Heath you are welcome to pop in for a cuppa in exchange for a donation to the MS Society or MS Trust.
  5. I've got a memory (1979/80? its probably wrong) of being about 5 and walking down the Villa from Beverley Croft to get there for half time and we'd get in for free if there was room.
  6. I think Dean Smith should take a look at the Villa boys from 1913 they may have been onto something with their formation... It did help them keep a clean sheet!
  7. They'd probably be crap at that as well! Finding anyone to do aerial work nowadays is hard since Radio Rentals went the way of the Dodo!
  8. Once again it felt like Villa turned up expecting to win, they were awful, we're lucky the results went for us and we're not 2nd from bottom. Terrible...
  9. and have arms, legs, heads, eyes, a bit of awareness, know what a football look like.....
  10. Yes! Dayvilles 32 flavours! I remember the day I walked in and played Operation Wolf for the first time, an UZI gun and 'ultra realistic' graphics Oh how easily pleased I was back then.
  11. 52 Flavours in Brum, New St? Or somewhere.,..
  12. Sensible Soccer, Kick-off 2, Goal!, Speedball 2, I spent far too many hours playing these games with friends on the Amiga in my dark smoke filled bedroom in Dorridge - happy days.
  13. Thanks, I've got Sinitta, So Macho in my head now.
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