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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. Seat68

    Smart Watches

    I have only just been involved in this decision. Seems that as I see it Bluetooth will be enough.
  2. Seat68

    Smart Watches

    My wife has just bought a galaxy smart watch LTE version. She wants to be able to have calls to her mobile and her watch and choose wear to answer them. Is there a plan or sim that allows this that isn't financially restrictive. She is currently on a smarty tenner a month plan.
  3. I thought he was from the western outpost, the English annexe. Wales.
  4. British band, did diddly squat in the UK. Nothing exciting but is a bit of a meme song. 2/10 wnb.
  5. No. Not on this. It's bravado. It's about showing perceived wealth. These may be criminals, they may, or they may have hired a car to make their mate feel good after doing time in prison.
  6. My symptoms currently are completely that of MS. Everything fits, I guess they need to do the CT scan and rule out the big hitters. Or it might be a trapped nerve. Or head aids.
  7. My doctor is dreadful. He has prescribed shrugs and isn't willing to try anything. After badgering I had a CT scan yesterday but am months away from a neurologist.
  8. Same at Asian weddings, the long procession of high end cars. All of them should be investigated as clearly they would be purchased from the proceeds of crime.
  9. I need it at the moment. Will give it a listen later I think.
  10. Blues guitarist WC Clark has died.
  11. Brit Turner of Blackberry Smoke has died.
  12. Seat68

    General Chat

    So none of you had parents who sat grumbling watching top of the pops and saying it's all noise. I stress you have all turned into your parents.
  13. Seat68

    General Chat

    You have all turned into your parents.
  14. I have a tribute to the velvet underground, Heaven and Hell, it's fairly solid all round.
  15. Seat68

    General Chat

    Raye is fairly solid as it goes, I suspect her new artist status is some comment on her emancipation from a restrictive record contract. A practice that a lot of the Brits committee are guilty of endorsing.
  16. This is still going on but worse. Completely numb face and head, mouth and tongue. No sense of taste and an ache in my arms and shoulders. I do have a CT scan on monday. My blood has been checked so hopefully the CT scan won't show anything and the neurologist who has a six month waiting list will.
  17. Isn't there a stew down here called Lob or Lobby?
  18. Seat68

    General Chat

    This rumoured Butlins sexy time was seriously over egged.
  19. But there's only one, really.
  20. Weirdly there was a sixties band from the north east called The Misfits.
  21. Very sad, but unfortunately not a shock.
  22. Really? Well that's something to consider.
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