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Everything posted by Seat68

  1. Crisp or bacon. No cut, otherwise horizontal.
  2. Seat68

    General Chat

    Good to see you are alright. Carry on.
  3. Ads that mock up a zoom screen. Co op one in particular is pissing me off. "Can you hear me?"
  4. Where dis? Asking for a friend
  5. What are your thoughts then? If I post a video then its assumption without comment that the video supports my view. You posted 3 videos from conspiracy channels by 3 conspiracy theorists.
  6. These are not leaders in their field they are conspiracy theory quacks.
  7. Question. Do you use the words deep state on a daily basis? The people posting those videos are also posting conspiracy videos. Dr Rashid Buttar. An Osteopath. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashid_Buttar Dr Annie Bukacek. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/anti-vax-doctor-covid-19-death-certificates-984407/amp/ Dr Shiva Ayyadurai https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shiva_Ayyadurai
  8. In 1996 we had a flood in the house that effected the electric deep fat fryer, never replaced it and if we have chips, ever since its been oven cooked.
  9. For me with Lloyds it was a black plastic horse head shape money box.
  10. Seat68

    General Chat

    I am sure there was some low key reveal.
  11. Seriously. This lockdown is robbing me of a precious 3 months. What the hell are we doing in our houses lets get out there.
  12. Outside of your Labour bubble Corbyn thwarted a labour victory. Labour members can come up with various reasons but speak to voters that turned away and your answer will be Corbyn.
  13. They elected the ****, they can put up with him.
  14. I listened to people before I watched Breaking Bad. I got to the end thinking well it was OK. Never got the love it had. I do acknowledge I have the minority opinion.
  15. I wonder what would it take for the economy over lockdown people to change their mind. Someone they know dying? A distant relative dying? A grandparent? A parent? Maybe a spouse or are they all collateral damage up to a child? What is the degree of seperation before the economy just isn't that important.
  16. Seat68

    General Chat

    It also went on a long time and posted on mundane things, it was perfectly executed.
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