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Everything posted by tomav84

  1. the only positive of getting rid of mcleish would be to prove to the people that want him out that no manager could acheive success with the squad we have
  2. we put out basically our strongest side, but it was still one that was perfectly capable of losing to bolton on paper. you look at that starting line up and see a serious lack of quality. we are a far cry from the side that once was. bolton, stoke, sunderland etc have not stepped up to our level...we have just dropped down to theirs. there is one person to blame and this is neither houllier nor mcleish. lack of investment over the last couple of years is taking its toll
  3. not according to bbc injured
  4. well hes actually had very few this season and has looked bright whenever he has come on
  5. had a shocker today but still too early to write him off
  6. there are a lot of restricted view seats at qpr so that may still mean plenty of tickets left. wasnt expecting it to be sold out anyway - expensive, on tv, shit kick off time etc
  7. should have come on half hour earlier than he did...delph had a shocker and hopefully his performance will give ireland his chance against newcastle
  8. just got back down south...still feels like a win! bout time we robbed some points...had enough robbed from us in recent times cant remember last time it happened the other way around
  9. Really???? I'll admit it's not an exciting transfer but certainly no poor one either! As for depth - are you counting the currently injured Cuellar (not to mention he's a centre back), injured and untested Lichaj or the rookie Herd (with one match under his belt and more of a centre midfielder) as options???? We need a right fullback and we've got one - one who's played for McLeish and alongside Bannan (internationally), Bent and Jenas which is a bonus! this...hes better than what we currently have. but then of course these people still would have moaned that we dont need a RB if we signed sergio ramos :winkold:
  10. good lord sonny jim, play well for a couple of seasons and he'll be regretting that quote ha rookie mistake...quotes like that always come back to bite you in the bum! good luck to him...should get to see some of him in the games v spurs and give us fuel to slate the lad before he kicks a ball for us :winkold:
  11. posted 2 days ago... do i get ITK points for that?
  12. today wasnt as bad as people are making out. my main criticism is the clear opportunities that were squandered cause we cant shoot straight. gabby and n'zog had at least 2 shots each which didnt hit the target when neither were under any sort of pressure from wolves. and that one from petrov 1st half? seriously? all hes paid to do is kick footballs all day yet couldnt hit the target when he had all the time and space in the world
  13. General are the purse strings really that tight that the so-called free tea/coffee to season ticket holders is only available when buying more than one? Incredibly petty moan I know, but when one queues up only to find this out when getting to the kiosk the good deed quickly becomes an inconvenience and actually backs up the total lack of investment this summer when the board wont even give a free brew to those that renewed without getting some more money first. Oh and a crafty one regarding the away travel discount being only on cup games...bet you are all praying for home draws all the way through arnt you so that these vouchers will all be useless? These were almost a nice touch too but the small print represents the state of the club's finances. Shame.
  14. can we stop getting rid of all our good players please?
  15. It was bloody loud! They need to turn that down a notch or two before it does some serious damage. christ its like goldilocks goes to a footy stadium! 'i cant hear it'...'its too loud!' just right against wolves im guessing :winkold: petrov MOTM for me...and ive been saying drop him for a while now. delph was not as good as people are making out IMO but thats not to say he didnt have a decent performance. emile was excellent i thought shame people are picking up on his one awful touch where he should have scored. warnock brilliant, gabby and n'zog both looked very sharp too. was ireland on the bench? there was a lot of talk about what a big season this is for him, but we havent seen him yet!
  16. negatives - bent isolated up front, gabby and heskey didnt know their roles, petrov seemed insistant on breaking down any sniff of an attack we had positives - back 5 played very well, delph and n'zogbia taking players on, clean sheet and a point at fulham - never a bad result
  17. the key point from that article is that these are not required to have a high police presence. look at the 6 teams playing and you really cant see any crowd trouble. if they put the games on but with lesser police numbers that would be a good message sent that games are too highly policed and they can go through with less police there
  18. 8 bells got in trouble for people drinking outside one year so now they only let select numbers in to drink...anyone else has to buy cans and drink outside
  19. personally dont want them to go bust...but a nice big point deduction and relegation to league one would be nice!
  20. Have we taken the full 2,900? we have
  21. around 100 left according to girl at the ticket office i spoke to
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