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Everything posted by T-Dog

  1. A lot of the main forum is a tough shift. I love it, it's one of my number one sources of Villa news, but som... Sorry lads, Isa is on the box again, will finish reply in 6 minutes.
  2. T-Dog


    You're on it man, you've seen the flags and acknowledged. Proud of you.
  3. Isa Guha. Is she talking about cricket? I'm cheered up. Is she being a lovely woman? I'm cheered up. Is she on my TV screen? Get the wet wipes ready, it's sticky tummy time.
  4. T-Dog


    You've identified your Tipping Pint there and you know when to stop, big fan of that.
  5. T-Dog


    Not sure what business you work in, but personal experience of a very corporate world, for a couple of very progressive companies too, there's always an opportunity for a piss up. Hit targets? Beer. New boss? Beer. Easter? Beer. Thursday and there's 3 people in the office? Beer. And that's before the big big events, which, if you're into it, fantastic, if you're not, you're looked at like a leper for refusing to drink. With work, I'll drive every time. When it comes to the big ones, I'll swerve completely. @mottaloo - that's a choice mate, not an easy choice, but a choice. One of which has 100 benefits, one of which means facing up to the reason you drink in the first place and everything behind that. Not a cuss at all, not even close, but I've been there and done the hard yards before. Talk about it if you need to man. You got a community here.
  6. Is very dark, but I think it's worth the investment. Snet frum ma iFone
  7. A big nod to Baby Reindeer on netflix, original quote was about cat's stalking other cats.
  8. Fantastic reference. Sphynx from ma ifoon.
  9. T-Dog


    If you go out, how many beers do you think you drink during a 'session' (take that as you will, I'm not suggesting a stag do, but anything more than the usual Friday night pint after work) Very interesting all this. Covid was the most pissed I've ever been, to the point where it was a problem, gone through a couple of stages of sacking it off entirely for months and months and then falling off and going quite heavy again. It's tipping to the wrong side again now, and I think it's probably time to jack it in again.
  10. Pffft, they don't make shuttle runs like they used to. #AgainstModernFootball (Great to see Emi back too)
  11. T-Dog


    Thanks for sharing MNV. Appreciate that. Glad you're on the other side of that now.
  12. No argument, but he still never looked like the real deal. Let us not forget, he cost £20million. That's a lot of cash for, well, rubbish football. Unfortunately, his best game was the Burnley game when he got assaulted.
  13. T-Dog

    Getting older

    Disappointed in your efforts Roberto lad
  14. The player on the left played for the team that finished 18th this season, and played a deeper role than the player on the right, who played for the team that finished 6th, and were also one of the most in form teams in the league since January. The hype for Gallagher is absolutely mental. He's really not that good.
  15. No, he wasn't. The injury was horrific, granted. His ability wasn't that of a top level striker. It's a shame, but let's not pretend he was the next R9 in waiting.
  16. Pavement omlette outside a Spoons on a Friday night that. I'm not being fooled by the 'Omelette or Vomit' test. No chance.
  17. I wouldn't even start him over Barkley.
  18. T-Dog


    Thanks for sharing that mate. If you don't mind me asking, was it binge drinking or regular 'lesser' drinking? And well done on 10 months man.
  19. Who I also think is quite over-rated amongst our fanbase. Decent, not the legend we make him out to be.
  20. No, I understand, his role has changed a lot too with Palmer stepping up, but I'm still really not a fan. At all.
  21. 18 goals, 13 assists, in 136 Prem appearances? Granted, he's just had one of his better seasons, but that's not a great return. He's a highlight reel player.
  22. T-Dog


    Firstly, congratulations on 12,289 days ago. Secondly, thanks for sharing that, not heard that take before but it makes sense.
  23. Please God no. One of the most over-rated players in the Premier League IMO.
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