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Everything posted by troon_villan

  1. Team ain't half as bad as most of you are making out! Reckon we'll do 'em
  2. Read in The Metro that Telford has the best broadband speeds in the UK. That true Nath182?
  3. **** me, are you Jack the Ripper's PR agent? Edit: After reading through this shite I'm inclined to think it may be worth forming an Anti-VillaTrust-trust. I've never seen so much marketting-jargon bollocks on one page. Go **** yourself VillaTrust, you don't speak for me, and you don't speak for the majority of Villa fans. I doubt very much you know that. Someone forms a club. This club get's told somethings by the club. You can't be bothered turning up, getting involved, participating, giving a shit....but you still want to know what happened? Basically the fat kid looking through the treehouse window. Ah, now I am beginning to see the purpose of the "Villa Trust". It is to give Internet-angry people the chance to hurl childish abuse at other posters. All this has led me to think... Would it be a good idea to set up an organisation that would represent the views of the fans to the club, maybe even have meetings with the club to put those views across, and then report back to the fans about what was said? Not sure if this would catch on, but what do people think? From the same poster that tried to turn it into I'm a better fan than you! ner ner na ner ner! Yep really grown up. Failing to see how it's even abuse?? it's exactly like that, someone has started a Villa group that you have no intention of participating in but you want to know everythnig that group discusses?? Get off your arse and start your own then. All these people were trying to do is genereate interest and invite people to come along. Should have expected nothing less from VT to start a witch hunt. Why don't you burn Kozak at the stake whilst your at it.
  4. Just couldn't ever get into Dylan's music.
  5. Lennon would have disappeared up his own arse as an art installation, Hendrix would be on his 9th supergroup, Cobain would still be shite. Truth hurts.
  6. I often wonder what some of my fave dead musicians would be like if they were still alive and if they were still making music; what it would sound like, still popular..etc.. Cobain, Hendrix and Lennon mostly!
  7. Agree with PatrickC and maqroll. There's arguably different levels; just like with most emotions. I care too much really, I'm pretty self conscious and always have been right through my teens and early-twenties. If anything it'll get worse as my looks fade.
  8. Not surprised he ain't starting. He can't be close to fitness.
  9. I haven't bought bog roll in months. I steal it from work everyday; several sheets at a time.
  10. This needs to be quoted in light of recent off topic threads......
  11. Is the OP not a line from The Streets first album? Get your own material dude!
  12. Similar to the two you mentioned? Try Only Fools and Horses.
  13. LOL at little Weimann who jumps at the same time as Benteke as if to head an imaginary ball!!
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