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Everything posted by Zatman

  1. God Carrick and Petrov would possibly be the worst midfield in football history and definitely the slowest
  2. because Ireland is a top player even if he is a word removed. I would take straight swap for Tevez only :winkold:
  3. Petrov is shite. Michael Brown looks like Xavi out there compared to Petrov
  4. FA Cup at Pompey after saving them from certain relegation in 2005/06. Also at Spurs they were bottom when he took over Also took Southampton down. Southampton were in big trouble when he took over and he got them to the last day with a chance of survival
  5. FA Cup at Pompey after saving them from certain relegation in 2005/06. Also at Spurs they were bottom when he took over
  6. Hate Redknapp but credit to Spuds they deserve 4th after this week and if they get 4th it will be better as previously mentiod if Citeh get their the top4 will be a monopoly again. I think it might also end the debate that Redknapp is better than MON :oops:
  7. No thanks we need a striker this summer, unless you think spunking nearly £30m on Yakubu, Johnson, Beattie, Marcus Bent and such is a good return. In fairness Bent cost about a million and played a important role in getting them to 4th that year. How much did he pay for Saha who is a guarantee of goals if he plays Bent had 6 goals in 37 league apps that season, important role? Don't know how much Saha cost and don't know how much of a guarantee of goals he is, Carew for example has a better strike rate for us than Saha does for Everton.. Yeah he played up top on his own and chased defenders down and also created space that Cahill ran into freely to get crucial goals. Not saying he is a top striker but did well for Everton. He played the role Heskey should do for us. As for Saha 20 goals in 50 games isnt bad for a player that doesnt play for a side creating a bucket load of chances
  8. No thanks we need a striker this summer, unless you think spunking nearly £30m on Yakubu, Johnson, Beattie, Marcus Bent and such is a good return. In fairness Bent cost about a million and played a important role in getting them to 4th that year. How much did he pay for Saha who is a guarantee of goals if he plays
  9. I like them as similar club to us in club size plus we both want same objective of Champions League with similar talent teams
  10. Think you've got it spot on mate. Grubby, small time club with moaning pathetic fans, and outrageously glorified by the media. sounds like us a little bit
  11. Has looked a good player when i saw him play but is a dirty little b*****d
  12. In 2002 was bad to get South Korea so far so maybe the same will happen for South Africa. Would be ironic if they knocked out the frogs with a bad decision
  13. I would swap Gomes for Friedal as i really rate Brad he is 10 years older than Gomes
  14. An sha cup win will drive everybody to suicide
  15. I thought FSA has signed Aruna Dindane for next season and allowed him to play in FA Cup only. I actually wanted Spurs to win as i thought they had a better chance of beating Chelsea but i hope Pompey win the final or somebody breaks up Terry.
  16. That sweden vs denmark game was full blooded and only called a fix because Italians moaned about it.
  17. I read in paper the other day McLeish is not happy at the board as they want to pay 13million for Boselli of Estudiantes but McLeish has never seen him play
  18. Holland away kit is nice if it is based on that but cant find home jersey anywhere only template
  19. We love to talk about football. We have plenty of non villa fans on this board who we get on with very well and have intelligent conversations with. I myself have gone on other team's boards and had a nice chat. However, Glaston doesn't talk football, for the most part. He merely spouts absolute bullshit. You say you like non Spurs fans coming on your board. Would you feel the same if I came onto your board and went on and on about how most of your trophies don't count. In summary, by all means talk football. But by all means don't talk absolute twaddle like Glaston does. There's a huge difference. They love us non Spurs fans on COYS
  20. I hate Liverpool so much i would prefer United to win the league. God i feel dirty
  21. Have rewatched 40 year old Virgin, Anchorman and Knocked Up and their still shit
  22. I completed in 2002 and that was last time i collected them. great memories
  23. Soon we will have that idiot David Craig at the club talking about his sources like he is ITK
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