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Everything posted by Zatman

  1. Thanks for telling me, have seen him many times.. he's class It wasnt the question. what are his attributes and strengths. what will he bring to the team. I think you only want him as its an exotic name 2005–2009 River Plate 88 (34) 2009– Porto 28 (25 Goals and goals are his attributes and strengths, and he's young so can only get better the big difference between me and you is that perhaps I have more ambition than to finish 6th every year Doyle and Keane will never be good enough for top 4 is the ambition to get 6th again, then maybe they fit in You need more than goals to play in Premier League. Look at Kezman or Earnshaw. Does he hold the ball up, create chances or bring others into play
  2. Thanks for telling me, have seen him many times.. he's class It wasnt the question. what are his attributes and strengths. what will he bring to the team. I think you only want him as its an exotic name
  3. good PR and agent can do that for you plus helps that he is English Playing the whole game in two Champions League finals and winning one of them (scoring a pen in the shootout in the process) takes a lot more than a good agent. Nationality has nothing to do with it; you could even argue being English has had a negative effect due the pressure and scrutiny from the press. Jamie Carragher has played in 2 Champions League finals. Doesnt mean he is/was a good player. He was fantastic in one of those finals too. You're just digging yourself a hole. Which final? 2005 where he was torn apart for 3 goals in the 1st half and introduction of Hamann saved a thumping or 2007 were he lost Inzaghi for teh winner.
  4. If you never take a chance, you never win.. who knows? maybe he would score a lot of goals here and be hero?or maybe he will be very poor here, like Heskey.. Doyle and Keane is not a chance, they will both be poor here, you heard it here first, just like ........ :-( You never answered his question
  5. Doyle is better value than Falcao and probably a better player. Falcao has looked poor everytime i saw him. Doyle is brilliant in the air, has pace, intelligence, a decent finisher and works hard. Would be a great signing
  6. good PR and agent can do that for you plus helps that he is English Playing the whole game in two Champions League finals and winning one of them (scoring a pen in the shootout in the process) takes a lot more than a good agent. Nationality has nothing to do with it; you could even argue being English has had a negative effect due the pressure and scrutiny from the press. Jamie Carragher has played in 2 Champions League finals. Doesnt mean he is/was a good player.
  7. he is a poor header of the ball which isnt good for a 6 foot 8 player
  8. good PR and agent can do that for you plus helps that he is English
  9. Carrick is an average player who is now reverting to type after the second decent season of his career. This. Carrick is a poor to average player and I prefer Petrov than him as Petrov actually does try to get control, has more speed, better passing and not afraid to tackle. I dont even rate Petrov
  10. Now that is the most stupid thing i have ever read on here. Im going to assume you dont know many Manure fans
  11. Carrick is possibly the worst player to play for Man United. Makes Djemba Djemba look world class
  12. But he scored 17 goals? so... I'm talking league goals. It's just we have a player than can score goals for us, a new signing e.g. Keane would be doing extremely well do get close to that, league goals or not. We'd be more successful in the league with a player like Keane who wouldn't struggle to score 10 leagues in my opinion aswell as offering so much more than just goals like Carew. The fact we'd be able to keep the ball better, offer creativity going forward and be able to create chances for other players who move off Keane's movement would see us a better side. Goals aren't everything as proven this season when Heskey stepped into the side and we did very well, even better than when Carew was in the team. I don't rate any player who will simply score 10 goals, offer nothing else to the team and consider that a "job done".... Carew is different option to Keane why not have not have both plus Gabby which is different option as well. Each top team has different type striker. why should we not
  13. He came back from an injury and was picking up niggling injuries during this time its why he struggled. when he was fully fit at end of season he was in good form
  14. He got 10 goals and 5 assists in about 30 games which is impressive considering he only played the 90 in about 4 or 5 games.
  15. Also Carew has a good brain and up front with for example Robbie Keane he could thrive as Keane could read the knock ons. Im not saying drop Gabby but he is due an injury soon and need a back up
  16. Carew is our best striker since Angel and people want him to go. he scores goals and is a threat what else does he have to do. Before people say he it is not lazy he has a bad back
  17. I dont think he is so good. Rather Kevin Davies for a big man role
  18. He is a good passer of the ball and direct as well
  19. I like Aurelio a real clever player and would offer a set piece alternative but he is injury prone
  20. After last year dont think he will go cheaply and if they threw in Bellamy and Ireland would be good deal for you
  21. Another player out our reach The problem is we need to find players like this before they perform on the big stage as while we have no Champs League we'll never get the opportunity to sign them Bastos no chance too, I think the Veloso type of player is our range, but he'd be a big gamble. I agree with you completely. We need to sign the likes of Krasic before they play Champioons League. Do we have foreign scouts?
  22. An absolute disgrace the way he has been treated by MON. He is a good solid right back and arguably the best English right back currently playing. I will never understand why he was sidelined for Cuellar who I like but the guy is not a right back. I cant really remember him making mistakes
  23. Marcelo :shock: a terrible left back. Watch the Sevilla game in October and Navas smoked him about 9 or 10 times. Iniesta hasnt played enough for team of the year
  24. Who was that? Was Camacho in 2004. He didnt have success of Jose but wanted club ripped from top to bottom and play in a defensive/winning way and was sacked before transfer window closed
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