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Everything posted by Zatman

  1. Easiest group by a mile for a seed Argentina will walk away with it and people criticize the manager but they were 6th and hadnt won for 7 games when he got the job. Reminds me of Scolari and brazil in 2002 dont write him off. Greece are a awful awful team who will make Fat Sam's teams look like Total Football. Nigeria have a tactical coach now so might be good to get them through but I like South Korea they have energy and a few players to change games liek that lad from Bolton. For me Argentina and Korea
  2. France except for Anelka were dreadful vs Ireland and I see them going out early as Mexico and Uruguay are actually better teams plus South Africa are hosts and will get odd referee decisions
  3. They considered Johnny Heitinga, Everton's player of the year, to be a very poor defender as well before they got rid of him. Atlético giving lessons on defending ? They play Perea every week and he is just awful and amazing how they never bought a decent centre half in so long. As for Pablo Tim Stannard on Football 365 slaughtered him, Simao and Gago http://www.football365.com/spanish_thing/0,17033,9405,00.html "The experienced Atlético Madrid defender is now set to leave the Vicente Calderón club on a free transfer. And the day that the centre-back departs the training ground for the final time, there will be celebrations in the Spanish capital to rival those of their Europa League victory. Pablo has been responsible for more moronic cock-ups than any other defender in recent years in la Liga. Even the fact that he will be free won't be of any consolation to the buffoon of a manager that will be relegating his side even before the season has started by signing him"
  4. Doyle also seems loyal to McCarthy and will probably stay around for a year unless an astronomical bid is made for him
  5. I think its how they train the players. I think i read in the academies the players dont touch the ball until there about 10 or 11 and work on other things like movement
  6. A truly terrible player when Atletico Madrid consider you a poor defender then their is really no coming back
  7. Barca never showed Arsenal respect when they nicked Fabregas and Merida from them for peanuts
  8. I love Ronaldo but would be a disaster for the club
  9. I never made it. Journalists and coaches at Ajax made it. As i said they have similar height and both played for Ajax
  10. The one player always compared to him in Europe maybe its due to his build and Ajax connections is Zlatan. If only he had the attitude and mentality of MVB he would probably be one of worlds best
  11. Dave Rogers=Legend. What a goal that was. I was behind that goal in that game. Was sacked from his last club for showing his arse to the opposition fans who actually took it as a joke.
  12. West Ham? The owners want him to play off Henry next season. Have to love them
  13. Van Basten by a about a million miles. Bergkamp was very good but Van Basten was special. Just a pity injury ended his career early
  14. ONly been to Villa Park Bloomfield Road Upton Park Stamford bridge Priestfield stadium Wembley in England
  15. He was linked with Chelsea yesterday for 10 million. Every 3 or 4 pages on here is Carew bashing. He is consistently our top scorer and he gets bashed. very strange. Doesnt matter who its against once you score.
  16. Yeah, he's 27. He's a better player than I actually gave him credit for before we signed him, his vision is fantastic and he is so strong. Always knows where the goal is too. Just sometimes his work rate is lacking and he doesn't turn up in some games. Yeah, I love Vaughany, gutted about all his injuries. He has a lot of potential though if he can get his problems sorted. Yakubu is not 27 :winkold:
  17. Yeah, he's 27. He's a better player than I actually gave him credit for before we signed him, his vision is fantastic and he is so strong. Always knows where the goal is too. Just sometimes his work rate is lacking and he doesn't turn up in some games. Yeah, I love Vaughany, gutted about all his injuries. He has a lot of potential though if he can get his problems sorted. Yakubu is not 27 :winkold:
  18. You forgot "used to be" (with the exception of Pato and to a lesser extent, 'dinho). The rest have been injured, absolutely dire, or both for a good two seasons now. People seem to forget Milan smashed United for 75 minutes in the 1st leg only for an incompetent keeper they would have had more to play for at Old Trafford. MIlan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Villa. sorry but its true and will be for a long time
  19. Higuain wont happen as he is their best striker at Madrid even if Perez doesnt rate him and prefers Benzema. Unless jose doesnt fancy him either. As for Gago I hope it happens. A totally overrated and useless player that Real Madrid fans dont even like. No pace, no vision, no tackling and just stands there. Argentinian Michael Carrick
  20. I agree with AG completely. Dzeko is a good player but I dont think he is worth as much as people say or he is as great as people think.
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