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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Indeed something near £100m debt? If true that is insane
  2. What's happened to Wilder being called a tactical genius for his overlapping centre backs now. I think it's fair to say he got found out tactically
  3. I can't wait this will be a spectacular listen while I do the washing up
  4. Their forums are incredible. Apparently they are valued at £300m according to the HKSE. Also because of being owned by a shell company etc they are unable to be bought out it seems so they can't get away from the Big Dong very easily. They are lucky there may be 3 worse teams than them this season. Not to even add in the fact the ground is basically condemned
  5. Why is anyone surprised the ref gives them a win. It happens all the time.
  6. I don't disagree but we only have so much money and squad spaces. Who knows!
  7. Traore looked exhausted when he came off the other day so maybe Barkley coming back for that purpose alone makes sense
  8. I think the plan is Traore to back up Watkins with Wesley as striker. Davis I don't consider as an option anymore sadly so all things considered I doubt we will be in the market for a starting level striker.
  9. I honestly can't see us buying until the backup option is sold first..that backs up the stockpiling players quote. Yes there is a bit of dead wood to go such as Lansbury, Kalinic but that's an end of contract deal as neither will likely be sold. I would say if we can get another striker that would be ideal. Decision is does Hourihane and Nakamba stay or do we try and sell and improve on those with players at the level of Luiz?
  10. What if Wesley comes back strongly and we have the option of Watkins on the wing with Wesley up front? Or that possibly may not work as maybe Wesley wouldn't press as much as Watkins.
  11. It's an fascinating window. If FFP has been relaxed it could be a big moment to really improve the team by bringing in a small amount of high quality players capable of replacing players like Hourihane etc. The main question is are we in a position to do this I guess only 5 people really know right now. Nobody can get mad if because of covid we cannot, but I think the best time to improve is from a position of strength, not desperation. Like Doug never did.
  12. His natural talent was never in doubt. His confidence and work ethic were. Maybe now he has that sorted! Look forward to see if he can keep improving.
  13. I know Sheffield Utd are awful this season but is Berge any good and would he improve the midfield?
  14. A key thing to remember is he really hadn't played alot before signing for us. He is bound to be a bit rusty so hopefully the last game is a sign of a consistent level of performance to come.
  15. Can't see there being much if any business this window. Any will need to be preceded by sales first. Also the complications of player movements and medicals etc will surely mean foreign signings are less likely
  16. How can you go from looking decent to so awful in 2 games. Genuinely confusing!
  17. So the start of the season was an anomaly then looking at this, unless we have been figured out and have no plan b.
  18. We didn't touch the ball and they played straight through us to score.Not a good sign. They are ripping us to bits.
  19. You are correct there were a few times.he held on to the ball to long and lost possession when he could have released it earlier and been even more effective. It's a coaching thing hopefully these things get picked up.
  20. He has alot of abilities and quality. Let's just hope he stays injury free!
  21. I would assume the terms for Benrahma would be in the same region as whatever we are paying Watkins. So I would imagine it won't happen based on him not necessarily starting, they won't be dropping Trezeguet yet, and deservedly so.
  22. Technically we could still loan him with an option to buy in January.....
  23. It's not the end of the world not signing anyone else internationally. Cash and Watkins come from the championship so there may still be some quality we could add. Is the Scottish window still open after today?
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