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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. If anyone remembers that villa ITK Twitter who called everything right in 2015 then disappeared? Well it just posted for the first time since, about Grealish re signing to be announced this week. Probably BS.
  2. Ultimately Southgate has been proven correct, so far. So fair play to him.
  3. What were other team seeing, given that he didn't actually play that much for them? I am confused!
  4. His injury isn't going to improve with the break over the summer if he stays. Where would that leave us
  5. Indeed he's been great to watch! I want us to rename Cash to Casshola after.
  6. To give a foreign view on our English signings
  7. The local Tesco bags are up in arms
  8. I cancelled my subscription because of this and in my feedback why, explained this.
  9. Pissflaps is ready for his podcast debut
  10. Locatelli is basically going to Juventus that one won't happen here
  11. Ultimately whoever we buy has to be better now or have the potential to be better than our best players in each position currently starting. So Mings/Konsa, McGinn, Watkins, Traore Accepting we won't get better than Grealish It's quite the challenge for the recruitment team!
  12. Kind of hard to be confused when the person I'm refering to actually lives in the house next door
  13. All I have been told is he isn't selling up in Barnt Green, he plans to live there long term regardless of him signing for Man City, the wording "If he gets the move" indicates one thing more than another to me, if this is true.. Again I have nothing to gain from sharing this as I am sure if he says I will get mocked but this is what I have been told. So to me it sounds like he wants to go, but it's not done yet.. Hopefully our new contract offer changes things.
  14. He isn't that's the point I guess. He keeps his house here and will rent one locally there.
  15. I am in no way ITK so take this as you want but my manager does actually live on the same road as Grealish in Barnt Green. He just messaged me the following: It's rubbish about his house being up for sale, he isn't selling even if he gets the move to Manchester. He will rent there as part of the move. So....yeah. To clarify my boss knows nothing or doesn't care about football so has no agenda, he just said he thought I might care more then he does. Again not ITK just passing some words on.
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