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Everything posted by PeterSw

  1. Pop onto a fan website and copy the ideas that have been uploaded. Job done
  2. Nah would rather see him go on a free to a European club in the summer than for £5-10m in January to an English club
  3. Gerrard would get us 6 points max from that lot.. and I'm being optimistic about winning at Forest
  4. Agreed. I think this is the game that will force NSWE's hands if we don't win comfortably. I think he might even be in trouble if we scrap an uncomfortable/undeserving win
  5. Same. Just present all 3, have a vote. Lowest one goes and then have a second vote. That way the majority of fans will be happy. Tough one regarding who gets to vote. I'd open it up to season ticket holders too. I would say 'general' fans but leaves us open to other team's fans coming on and messing with the voting. Out of the three descriptions, i'm leaning towards the lion only.
  6. Swear i've seen a female on the bench the last few games. a Physio perhaps?
  7. Is Filip Marshall still at the club or has he been loaned out too?
  8. I think Edens might be thinking that they have to get appointment right this time and will have much more of an input
  9. Yeah this took the gloss of his 'ITK' status but i'll take the pinch of salt with a tablespoon of 'pleaseeeeeee'
  10. Just read an old Mail article about that funnily enough. Fell out over transfer plans. Would have to get onboard with Lange too in that case. I think with Dortmund, they got very close to Bayern and I guess he wanted one or two big names to take them up a level and Dortmund didn't want to go against their policy. That's just me speculating obviously
  11. Great post. Agree completely
  12. I would have him here too. The only issue seems to be that he falls out with owners/sporting directors.. but then again when you manage clubs like PSG and Chelsea.. there is always the chance that could happen. Personally think he would fit in very well here.. just have to keep CP on his side
  13. I think Celtic might surprise them. Might not get the win, but they will put up ore of a fight than they have done in previous European nights
  14. Interesting shout. Has done wonders up in Glasgow
  15. Dendoncker in for Chambers and Luiz into the middle alongside Kamara would be a good option too.
  16. Wonder if he will play as the #6 and allow Kamara to play as more of an #8 in SG's Christmas tree of death formation.
  17. He'll fit right in then. Filled in at CB a lot for Wolves too if I recall correctly.
  18. Him and Lehmann both stopped posting stories etc. of each other on IG. Perhaps they've broken up and that was the final straw for Dougie
  19. Met Poch yesterday and we're apparently in for Moura today. I think it's safe to put the 'it's happening' gif on this and rename the thread
  20. Looks like another one for the 'what-if' list
  21. The only 'positive' we can take is that the board do not trust Gerrard enough to give him big money and are saving it for his replacement to spend in January. Hopefully we aren't too far down that creek by then
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