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Everything posted by PeterSw

  1. PeterSw

    Unai Emery

    Surely time to start a new thread given the various links
  2. Enjoyable watch this is. I loved the bit about choosing captains. He says the players need to establish the hierarchy and that’s done through leadership in the dressing room and on the pitch. That's Mings restored then
  3. I know it was only one game but I hope whoever the new manager is, they keep Danks in the coaching set up. Players obviously like him and he appears to know his stuff
  4. I think he fell out with Marseille because they sold a player (Sanson?) over his head and replaced him with Oliver Ntcham (I think). I'd be p*ssed off with that too tbh. I can't remember why he fell out with Chelsea and Spurs though. I assume he loss 2-3 games in a row and Roman lost the head and sacked him.
  5. Dunno what the site's consensus is on 'Villamole/ThatcherLover'
  6. I think this could be why they go for Almorin. Personally be happy with him or Emery
  7. Does he play with a single or double PIVAAAAT
  8. Unsure about AVB. Sanson will be happy though N
  9. This is a good point.. what will happen to the current/existing merch? Knowing that a new badge is around the corner, will people want to purchase merch with 'old' branding on it for full price?
  10. Or maybe they (and Lange) just didn't trust Gerrard to spend it wisely
  11. The defence this guy gets from the media is just absurd now. I would understand if it was a short term bad run but his results over the course of a year have been terrible. You can tell they don't look into things like tactical decisions, media handling etc. "Stevie is great, its the players and fan base letting him down" - Jog on lads
  12. Best outcome being that Gerrard gets wind of this and resigns.. saving us compensation money. Will never happen but nice to dream
  13. Sure he can come here and stay for two years, then move back to his beloved Spurs when Conte gets fed up and leaves. I was under the impression that Poch didn't get on with Levy though
  14. Same as Spurs last season. Great first half with their goalkeeper keeping them in it, different story second half with some more baffling substitutions.
  15. Any idea on when this will be?
  16. I think a confident McGinn smashes that one through the keeper and it's a goal. I don't think he likes Gerrard and I don't think he likes being captain.
  17. PeterSw

    The NSWE Board

    Great news. Now they just have to correct the spelling mistake...
  18. He brought in Smith which proved to be a masterstoke and sacked him a bit too soon. Then brought in Gerrard as they thought he was a young, up and coming manager who could be here for years. It hasn't worked out that way and I think come the WC break, they will make another change if/when results don't improve. He will know the pressure on this one given the season ticket waiting list, the north stand redevelopment and the shear importance of remaining in the Premier League. I can see him going all out for a proven manager like Poch/Tuchel/Rodgers and hopefully one of which takes up the post. The issue for him will be what to do if the 'big names' don't come. I have faith that he will get the next one right. On the whole, I think he has done great things for the club and won't want that to go backwards.
  19. Glad it's open to season ticket holders and members. Should get a good turnout. My only hope is that is a comfortable victory for either option and not a 52/48 result which will probably end up dividing the fans for years to come.
  20. Hope he's gone before Jan. Have a stinking feeling that he'll try and sell Buendia
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