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Everything posted by Jbvilla909

  1. Exciting news all round, found his comments on infrastructure improvements with the council etc encouraging.
  2. Just want a Villa manager to make changes before 70 minutes when we're playing like garbage and 2-0 down in the first half.
  3. Are the players taking the p*** out if SG, slipping over every two minutes
  4. It was more tongue in cheek mate. I also think he'll be very positive for us until the summer atleast
  5. Put the permanent deal on the table now. He may not sign it but, I'm hopeful Stevie can convince him to stay past the summer
  6. He should of stopped the cross for the goal, was right in front of us, woeful defending
  7. We had one behind us yesterday, it was totally silent then he starts screaming "Mings you c****, every f'ing week, f*** off" Mings was about ten yards away...
  8. Mega money thrown at it. Look at Wolves, comfortably top half. Not sure what Lange is doing tbh, awful business on the whole. If anyone needs to go in the summer it's him...or before.
  9. Was in the lower north, normally buzzing but it was flat, felt flat before kick off, never really got going...then the football on display was flatter
  10. One point against Leeds, Watford and Newcastle. Diabolical.
  11. Yup, said the same as soon as Emi went off, was miffed at what he was doing.
  12. Did nothing, offers nothing. Drop him to the bench and sell him in the summer
  13. Really not sure what formation we went for in the second half . It was obvious Watford were playing on the counter, why take Emi off and leave it more open in the middle of the park? Bailey, Ings, Watkins and Coutinho all on at once. Felt like Bruceball but with better players
  14. Yeah it was obvious to all, he even said the running stats were through the roof on Wednesday, which made it even more confusing why no changes were made and like you said, why wait until 70 mins to make subs? Needs a plan b, even with the players we have we could of set up differently yesterday but, it's done now. Hoping to see an improvement on Saturday against a team who he sit and defend for 90 mins
  15. That's why I was surprised he went with the same starting eleven. Needed fresh legs imo, although I don't think that was the only reason. Be interesting to see who he drops for the Watford game...
  16. 12 games lost under two different managers, millions spent. Not sure what we change next tbh
  17. One in five player, was last season still is now. If Manure want to pay decent money for him I'd let him go
  18. Not sure what brand of football he's trying ATM. It's dire, up there with Bruceball and McLeish days
  19. Could be 30 mins of extra time, wouldn't .Ake any difference
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