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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Is that one from carry on screaming, probably my favourite, frying tonight
  2. Brilliant mate so he’s coming and it’s happening. Do you think it will be next week
  3. 57 points and seventh, You heard it here first
  4. Easy option now = a lifetime of thinking what if, you owe it to yourself to know sorry to be brutal
  5. If my Mrs is any example, fatter and more bitter
  6. Is there any indication that she feels the same as you or does she look at you as just someone who is a friend that she can confide in. Personally if she feels the same as you and wants to be with you go for it. Life is very short and I suspect that this will still be troubling you in 30/40 years time if you don’t at least find out how the land lies.If in her mind your relationship is purely plutonic you also have your answer. The reasons you think she stays with him maybe way off the mark, she may be still madly in love with him. I think you need to know her true feelings and take it from there. Everything else then can be worked around regardless of how unpleasant some of it may have to be. Just to add my brother-in-law did exactly the same thing and they ended up together and Helen God bless her past away from cancer three years ago. Apart from losing his best friend he maintains to this day he did the right thing
  7. If he has to go that would be far more palatable than the other option
  8. Oversimplistic is often the best way to describe the voting patterns of the masses. I stand by my comments
  9. If he stops and if these owners are as ambitious as I think they are.................
  10. Good man that should get it over the 70 page mark
  11. The only reason we had 18 years of the Tories back then was labours inability to get the right leader, Should’ve been easy against one of the most unpopular prime minister’s ever but they persevered with the likes of Foot, Although a brilliant man was never going to be Prime Minister, Kinnock, Smith was the best of them but sadly was taken early. The first time they got a candidate with a bit of the X Factor he got elected with a landslide and even then he was more Tory like than any other Labour leader had ever been
  12. Bill Duke turned up in a few of these films during the period, I remember him in commando as a green beret, the line at the time was, “I eat green berret’s for breakfast “ from John Mattix. That film had the most camp villain ever if you recall, Bennnett Another one of my favourites that I will have to dig out again soon is Lock Up. Donald Sutherland is breathtaking as the bad warden Drumgroole, People laugh at me but I think this prison drama was far superior to Shawshank
  13. I hundred percent agree, he is part of the essence of the football club at the moment
  14. Never ever, I believe in the Villa....... Funny enough my boy was mascot at the villa the day after Ron died, it was the Leicester game but we lost 4/1 forgetting that we were driving to the ground and the news came on the radio re Ron and I actually cried, never has someone’s death who I did not know personally affect me so much. Chris Nicol and Ken McNaught Were the legends in the suite before the game and I had a good chat to them about the gaffer, We had a laugh about Chris Nicoll dining out on that goal at Old Trafford for the rest of his life and McNaught being in the opposition colours at the time
  15. It’s not an argument my friend it’s a friendly discussion of the generations. I can only imagine the sick feeling in your lower belly as you logged on and Apologise for my part in this
  16. And mine brother, From the times that AVFC Aston Villa are magic sounded out from the Holte end, and boy we were
  17. 100% agree mate, The thing that throws it for me is that Brian was very good in arguably the best Villa side I’ve ever seen, I honestly think the 76/77 side was better than the side that won the league, at Villa Park they were virtually invincible. Take away the fixture pileup caused by the league cup replays, in a competition that Brian virtually won for us on his own we could have and maybe should have won the league. That’s why I think Jack just shades it as he’s been absolutely superb in at best an average side, also Jack would never have almost ever signed for ‘them’
  18. He is though isn’t he, can not even believe I am posting it to be honest, never in a million years I thought I would and feel a bit dirty for doing so
  19. Little was exceptional, he is finishing was first rate and he always had something in the tank a little different, I would say he was very similar to Jack in a lot of respects. You have to remember his career ended at 26 as well. When he became manager I almost cried with joy. Never was a villa fan to start but converted to be one of our own. Thinking about the front three of Little Gray and Deehan makes me want to join the masterbation club
  20. I always maintained that I would never see a better player than Brian little in a Villa shirt, I have now
  21. Making me bad all this is, can not stand the tenchion
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