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Everything posted by Follyfoot

  1. Better than my dancing naked/chanting idea in all fairness
  2. Puts kettle on, makes sandwich, informs wife just popping on the tinernet for a bit love
  3. Looking at your username I have no confidence in your translation
  4. Just imagine if he does not sign this window but the 'rumours' start again early December
  5. My shirt will have RASHICA and then the number of pages of this thread until he signed so loads of people at Villa Park will wonder why some random bod has got RASCHICA 264 on his shirt whilst any VTers will give me a gentle nod, wink and slight tap of the nose
  6. its scrambled my head to be honest and here we go again........................
  7. I know it was on, brilliant news, welcome Milot
  8. Follyfoot

    Paul McGrath

    Remember going there first game of the season without a ticket and a load of Villa fans got locked in a warehouse by the police during the game and then shipped back to New Street due to the sheer numbers that had travelled
  9. At midnight tonight we should all dance naked in Milot Rashica face masks starting off with the slow chant of RASHICA, RASHICA then slowly upping the crescendo until it is a quick very loud scream (a bit like the Haka) ending abruptly at 12.01. These should be captured on film and then sent to his twitter account
  10. I think at one time you could bang a few more thousand on top of that, what a wonderful end what wonderful memories.Knees up mother Brown. Where your wife gone wheres you wife gone Stanley Bowles, with the milkman with the milkman with the milkman Stanley Bowles
  11. Goodbye Milot, It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. Yep
  12. I trust him, I know he will make the right decision, he will come to us, once he realises how much we will love and cherish him he will come. I expect it to be concluded by the end of next week, or so my source tells me
  13. lives under a bridge and eats goats ?
  14. https://tenor.com/view/beavis-butthead-laugh-laughing-gif-5347505
  15. No mate, this was around 2001/2002 or maybe at tad earlier and the fee suggested was about 12 million, made a few tabloids at the time
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