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Everything posted by Rolta

  1. This article further put me off...https://trekcentral.net/star-trek-picard-season-3-is-season-1/ When I saw the clip of Action Crusher it reminded me a lot of Action Seven of Nine from Season 1. Seems there are more dumb similarities too—oh, and... This isn't Star Trek. Then I saw an interview with the showrunner describing why Crusher was now Action Crusher—and it's the same shit every time. 'Oh lots has happened to the character'...and the result almost every single time in this universe is that they always become arsehole versions of themselves. In a show that used to be rich with character and have such a positive vibe, now people just become more arseholy—character growth is basically reduced to 'be more violent and cynical'—and the utopian draw of Star Trek is replaced by bleakness. The showrunners are idiots and they have zero idea about what made Star Trek so appealing. Lame.
  2. If I was going to give Facebook a defining characteristic (in the groups anyway) it would be the existence of a high number of stupid-seeming comments. In the same light, I'm not sure these comments should be used to form any kind of generalisation!
  3. Spectacularly unwatchable? I couldn't get past the second episode. It definitely did a better job at pretending to respect Star Trek, but it felt incredibly stupid. (actually, maybe I already ranted about that on here) I'm tempted to try Picard again with season 3, but I'm just anticipating another off-tone, overly violent shitfest. "Dr Crusher is not the Dr Crusher you remember—now she's action Dr Crusher..." very predictable. The only good thing about Picard is listening to the Red Letter Media reviews.
  4. I agree with all of this. Original Picard really is definitely an influence on my moral compass. I maybe have even less respect for Enterprise though, even if I weirdly sing the theme tune in my head every time I feel myself thinking about some conviction. Star Trek is so full of potential and literally everything they've done since Abrams and Kurtzman got their hands on it has been an abomination. Star Trek shouldn't be made by idiots, and those two and everyone who got involved afterwards are idiots. And, yep, same with Star Wars—except Andor, which is really good!
  5. What an absolute farce. The fact there are people who hear this shit and don't realise the farce is the most depressing thing.
  6. I love him. Turning on him was **** bullshit, especially for such bullshit reasons.
  7. Wasn't he well established in our team before Gerrard? In that case Smith deserves credit, not Gerrard.
  8. He's been better under Emery. I'd lost faith in him beforehand, but his improvement has been noticable in much more than one game.
  9. This. Today he played like he normally does I swear. The only big difference I see is he's actually scoring, which wasn't happening much before, especially under zero xg Gerrard. This is a positive comment—I thought people were way too hard on him beforehand. Very few strikers make the perfect touch every single time.
  10. Gerrard's favourite combination was Kamara/Luiz, McGinn and Ramsey. Not both of Kamara and Luiz. I'm sure McGinn/Ramsey's roles are a little different now and we have the double pivot of Luiz and Kamara.
  11. It's easy to guess that rather than wiretapping he's either made it up or spoken to someone who knows—the player or the agent or whatever.
  12. And scoring for us against Everton!
  13. Emery just seemed embarrassed by the last few results. I've said it before, but I think he was overreacting—I think it's very human of him to do so, and I love him etc etc. But a goalkeeper going up for the corner in that situation is something that happens all the time. It didn't cost us the game. We'd already lost. So—so what. It doesn't matter how infrequent it is that a goalkeeper scores. Sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. It doesn't matter becasue we would have still lost if he hadn't gone up. It's just a nothing, not-important extra goal that we conceded. In the bigger picture it means absolutely nothing—it made no difference to anything. Emery being annoyed doesn't change any of that.
  14. The reason was to try to help us get an equaliser in a last throw of the dice moment—where we could only draw or lose—which is just the same for the other goalkeepers throughout history who did the same.
  15. No issues in Spain either. I have some lovely tomatoes. I was able to choose from abundant options.
  16. Rolta

    Unai Emery

    It's night and day. We're going to lose football games along the way, but we're clearly improving and in capable hands.
  17. Relax. It's the kind of language people use when talking about footballers. I feel my point is getting lost. I don't think many clubs will be willing to pay the asking price.
  18. How have they dropped off? Before the last three games, where I can honestly blame him only for the corner goal, and when we played the two best teams back to back, he won us games making worldies...and people were saying he was back to form.
  19. Madness to have turned on him so much for such lame reasons. I feel his price will and should be too high for anyone to realistically buy him. We went years having shit keepers and we finally get a good one, one voted one of the top two in the world and suddenly people turn against him for something innocuous. This is the madness. He was integral to six points against Leeds and Southampton, maybe the point against Wolves too. And other games of course. The backlash is embarrassing.
  20. We won't be selling him, nobody will be buying him and people need to get over this. Best keeper in ages. Emery being frustrated is fine. I think personally he was way too critical after the game, almost like someone over-apologising for something because they're embarrassed. It wasn't necessary. Arsenal are a very good team. But then conceding 11 goals in three games might do that to someone. At least he clearly cares and has ideas.
  21. I think it was Delphino too, hence the doubling down!
  22. It's always the case they'll add time on. But as we all know killing the ability of other teams to build any momentum is integral to winning football games. It's a part of the game. Arsenal are a good team. We played well. There's no need for any hysteria.
  23. What having a world cup winner in our team doing things that all the biggest clubs do?
  24. This is true 100%. He was a huge huge part of his country winning the world cup. You don't do that by accident. He's our best goalie in so long, but Villa fans again win the fickle award and turn on the enemy of the week. It's insane.
  25. Which has worked in our favour. Time wasting happens. Seeing games out by killing the other team's momentum is part of the arts of football we've been pathetic at for so long.
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