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Everything posted by Rolta

  1. I think it's OK to have concerns about him. He might have kept one clean sheet, but to think he hasn't been worryingly costly elsewhere and looked shakey besides is the odd thing here imo.
  2. His tenacity is a thing of beauty. It's incredible that this time last year, I couldn't see a future for him at the club, and now—I agree—he's one of our defining players. What a turnaround. Undroppable tbh.
  3. After watching the highlights from last night I've done a 180 on the kit. The badge is clearly an improvement too, even if it looks similar to another team's. I do this most seasons, but I actually now think the kit looks pretty great (the only kit I never softened on was the one from two seasons ago with the weird shoulders).
  4. He's just a rich kid with bad taste in so many ways. I have no respect. Nobody wants an app called x.
  5. There's this magical thing called Photoshop!
  6. I can't stop watching this. It says a lot I think. If a picture speaks a thousand words, a gif is more like seven thousand.
  7. I'm jumping in here and it's probably already been said but one of these guys is a striker and the other one an attacking midfielder. I also think Simeone plays the most dire football imaginable, and Felix just isn't suited to playing such boring awful negative football. Living in Madrid I tried to get interested in them, nostalgic a bit because of our epic Uefa Cup tie back in the day, but my word they are hard to watch. I wasted my money a couple of times, but never again.
  8. I've started adding another interpretation alongside all this. They're all just pissed off that nobody asked them and they can't get beyond their nobheadishness. If they came up with the ideas themselves they'd be all for saving the planet.
  9. I think people talk to them too. They have chats, so for lonely people it has multiple uses. I mean this with no irony...I believe a friend of mine had a secret addiction to it and blew thousands. He had no money and he's getting evicted. He seemed to do it for the messaging as much as anything else.
  10. I've got some bargains this way!
  11. The badge in a circle looks as messy as when we used to have a badge in a badge back in the 90s/00s. I think Man City's looks so sloppy for this reason. The badge alone is enough.
  12. Gnonto ran him ragged that game. It's probably the reason why most of us are aware of him. Young made similar impressed comments.
  13. Boring. I think the suggestion deserved a bit of very unsurprising piss taking tbh.
  14. It wouldn't make sense to do it despite what you say. There's a better way. And the Chelsea badge is an unavoidable reality. For transparency, I have no love for the round badges, so I am particularly biased on this, but I guess that's where I'm at.
  15. Because it looks nigh on identical to the badge of a much more successful club in the modern era and that's a really weird choice. No brand/club with any sense or self respect—or ambition for themselves—would chose to follow in the direct footsteps of a more successful club no matter what some fans voted for.
  16. Thre wasn't really out of the ones you just showed. Ours are like two drafts of the same badge—ours is much better. Chelsea's is pants, but still, in the modern era they came first whether we like it or not and regardless of the badge being ours back in the day. We can't really compete for reach with a team like Chelsea, and travelling the exact same path as them with the badge is just silly imo. The gaslamp option for me is a perfect modernised version of our late 90s/00s badge and I literally love it. It's perfect. There's no wasted space at all—all the focus is on the name and the lion. Sure, the colours could and probably should be tweaked to make the lion stand out even more, but you can't do better than that. Riquissimo...
  17. Maybe they look like distant cousins. Yet we look like Chelsea's better looking identical twin.
  18. But none of them look idential to another team's badge in the division.
  19. They're both circular, but everything inside that outer circle is completely different—and I imagine it doesn't look almost exactly like another team's badge in the same division.
  20. I think you answered your question in the very same sentence! It's not about people changing.
  21. Just do the gaslamp one. It's the only one that looks modern, good, and futureproof. It stands out, looks great. It's right under our claret and blue noses. (I've said this a few times now so now I'll be quiet!)
  22. You're making a lot of statements here as fact that you don't really know. And telling people not to point out exceptions to the rule is just silly. As for Konsa—well, it'll have to be Mings or Konsa who drops out. And If Mings is more the destroyer then he's the one who would complement Torres, not Konsa. Managers like to have a blend of different types of cenre back, and please no exception to the rule replies.
  23. I don't get why Mings and Torres couldn't play together.
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