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Everything posted by MaVilla

  1. https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/dean-smith-aston-villa-transfers-15579434 Interesting article, especially this for me: all i gotta say is HALLELUJAH!, developing our own players rather than other teams players, anyone would have thought it rocket science?!?!?!
  2. Any news on how close this deal is to being completed?
  3. I really hope this happens now, or this is gonna be one hell of a multi paged wasted thread
  4. also, word of caution on the Kalinic vids......i just re-watched a few vids of Nyland, they make him look like De Gea!!
  5. i thought it was 3m....well....2.7m to be exact?
  6. Substantial purchase is it's 7m, I hope he is as good as I hope he is :), would be terrible if he did a nyland, then it would be 10m wasted on GKs
  7. http://via Imgflip Meme Generator
  8. great if true, but if true why is he coming to Villa and not a Prem team or another top flight team abroad?, not trying to be negative, just realistic.
  9. yeah, some good stops, but the flap at 1min 35 is a little....Nylandish?!? Not trying to be negative, i really hope this deal comes off, but lets not delude ourselves if any player may have a flaw or two?
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBTGqtW0Sqs 1) flaps a bit at 1 minute in this vid 2) a few good saves and takes though I think we need to be careful with "he is a good shot stopper" :P, we need that as well as someone commanding with crosses, and commands their area well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwwcNfLInH0&t=37s 1) decent shot stopper regardless, the guy is a BIG UNIT (6ft 7in?), just his presence is prob pretty spooky :), from the vids i have looked at he is agile for a big man and a good shot stopper, havent really managed to find anything related to gathering crosses and commanding the area etc.
  11. right ok, good stuff then. really pleased if its true.
  12. I would still be worried by our 5ft 10 centre back monsieur Chester.......
  13. Isn't that a bit naughty that a guy working in our medical dept giving away our possible signings before they are concluded?????
  14. whats the certainty level on this? Certainty level is rated from: 1/10 - we are signing messi, i saw him walking around somewhere in europe possibly wearing a shirt with some purple on it and the purple was defo Villa purple not Barcelona purple. to 10 /10 - i had a drink with him last night and he showed me a copy of a signed contract. Lastly, i assume the fact hes now an international regular means the work permit is no longer an issue? Really happy if its tru tho.
  15. Granted he can pass a bit, but playing in that deeper role in theory is ok, apart from the fact he doesn't tackle, goes missing and rather than chase people down when someone goes past him or takes the ball off him he just stands there looking at the ref with his arms in the air. He really is a liability when we don't have the ball, and saying that about our supposed ball playing DM is scary.
  16. am i correct in believing that we are 5th in the form table? (for the last 10 games - aka DS in role) 5 wins, 3 draws, 2 losses, and in that run we have played Swansea, Derby, Boro, WBA, Stoke, Blose & Forest, basically 70% of our games under DS were versus promotion contenders or teams around us. Not too bad overall FYI the teams above us in the form table (last 10 games) are Norwich, Leeds, Derby & PNE, but i bet none of those have had played the teams we have in that run. P.S - in the last 7 games we are third in the form table (4 wins, 3 draws, 0 losses), with only Norwich and Leeds above us. (and 6 of those 7 games were versus promotion contenders/teams immediately around us) Last 7 games our goal difference is 10, which is second only to Norwich with +11, the next best team is only +5 (WBA).
  17. i didnt see the game, but i would have taken a draw before hand if you offered me one. personally i think some ppl need a reality check, if at the start of this "difficult Nov/Dec run of games", you had offered pretty much anyone here 4 wins and 3 draws with 0 losses so far, im pretty confident most would have bitten your hand off. lets remember, we are only 10 games in to DS's project, lets not get too carried away, or too downbeat, lets hope we do some good business in Jan, i still think and have thought for all those 10 games, playoffs are our realistic target, top two was and is more of a pipe dream. The next 5 games in 13/14 days are gonna be a test, thats a bloomin congested list.
  18. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-receive-warning-stoke-15544674.amp Anyone got any idea whontjese two Australian players are who are being linked with us? (RB and CB). Personally never heard of them.
  19. Wages probably too high, but more than that he probably wouldn't suit our style of play?
  20. To be fair the proof is in the pudding, for the last 2.5 seasons we haven't been too good for the championship, hence the reason we are still here. But here's to the future and the hope we can be too good for the championship in the near future.
  21. If you look though the balance has increased by roughly 80m since these guys took over. I guess covering debts or something?, and also injecting cash to spend in the future?, possibly also covering liabilities?, dunno.
  22. I tend to think as a bare minimum we need a GK, LB and CB, then if anything spare a ball playing DMC and possibly a RB.
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