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Everything posted by ozvilla28

  1. Needs to lift the intensity or may find himself out of the team.
  2. Would have loved to sign Tuanzebe quality kid.
  3. Didn't we have 100mill to spend to boost squad and you mean to tell me Wilson is the best we can do.People hanging there hopes on our good finish after lockdown with the signings we been linked to this aren't going to cut it.
  4. Have to agree championship players huge unknown quality stepping up.Wingers is not sorted out and another quality play maker.
  5. Do we honestly agree that Watkins,Cash and Wilson will improve us that much from being in a relegation scrap 2 of those are unproven in Premier League and other can be great on his day.I'm not convinced. We need more players and quality.
  6. Got to be signing better then what we got I don't see how he is better.
  7. Bit slow to get our targets season starting in days and yet haven't strengthen.I.just wonder a we spending to much time on courting the same players like Watkins we need to move on.
  8. Hope his not our only option been dragging to long this deal.
  9. Walk a away if that's the case those wages for a championship player.
  10. I like his got more experienced team now with Shakespeare coming in his been around the Premier League for years knows it inside out we we're missing that at times last season.
  11. ozvilla28

    Paul McGrath

    Gez he loves the villa still tho follow him on Twitter.
  12. I wouldn't take the risk championship is different ball game that's my worry only Abraham is proven atleast in Premier League.
  13. Love to get Truzabele from Man Utd good signing.
  14. Abraham is not worth 40mill pounds crazy money as usually English players over inflated.
  15. What happened to that Croatian CB Vida we we're going to sign ?.
  16. Tuanzebe would be first one like to sign he is quality maybe part of Jack deal if he goes there.
  17. When he keeps it simple his at his best.
  18. Thoughts on West ham and were there strong and weake and we can expose them.
  19. I agree he aren't a superstar but his reliable.Will he start on Sunday.
  20. I still have my doubts on him , but credit were due.Been better with tactics,substitutions,and defending as a team.
  21. Go and out and give it 110% that's all we ask.Defend as a team and attack as a team and keep it tight nothing silly need to be switched on.We have a few players who have brain fades and cost us.
  22. Needs to make much bigger impact last 2 games been missing since the comeback of Premier League.
  23. This is we're he earns his money sit deep and same thing happens we concede make the right changes fresh legs.
  24. We sit deep same think happens against Chelsea and Everton.
  25. Injury has killed his season ,but we have had no choice but to play him we're desperate Needs to trim down a bit to.
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