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Everything posted by Herman22

  1. For me it's the weight of pass that makes that goal. Means the attacker doesn't have to touch it to shoot and the defender can't get a tackle in. Seems we might have another gem in O'Hare!
  2. I'm on the fence about Benteke. On the one hand I'd love to see him come back and score goals that keep us in the league. But you have to understand we won't be signing the Benteke we sold. He's just not the player he used to be. But that doesn't mean he can't make a difference. The talk now is a loan to the end of the season, I think I would take that if there is an option to buy in the summer but it's not mandatory.
  3. Happy with this. Smart signing in a position we are seriously short of quality.
  4. If you want some perspective listen to Souness on Sky. Thank f**k for him. He's the only one who talks sense on Sky.
  5. The only positive I can take is we don't have to play City every week. The main issue today was the work rate of City. They never gave us a second on the ball and we made so many mistakes. 5 at the back only works if you can get the wing backs up the pitch Elmo and Taylor never got forward and without them we have no width. We are missing McGinn so much. We badly need his energy in midfield.
  6. People will point to us spending 150m in the summer. This City team a 1.5 billion team. And they showed that today.
  7. Bring him on for ElGhazi. We can't afford him to get a second yellow.
  8. This could end any score. We now have 5 defenders in our own box and we still can't stop the shot. Drinkwater and Costa offering nothing in either direction.
  9. One thing that's clear from today. We badly need Pepe Reina. First and third are goals any decent keeper should save.
  10. Drinkwater needs to be taken off at HT. He's miles off the pace. A bad team will makes us pay for a passenger in midfield. City are destroying us.
  11. I hope everyone has noticed the change. Hourihane has gone back a bit as Drinkwater passing and control is all over the place.
  12. This is terrible but in terms of perspective. City were 3 up against Man United by this time with their second team.
  13. This is getting bad really quickly. Changes needed in midfield.
  14. Get Drinkwater off. He's having a mare.
  15. First real shot from City. First goal. Nyland has to do better on his near post.
  16. Just to start this guy hasn't been linked anywhere and it's just me asking the question. But what about Dwight McNeil from Burnley? Burnley are the type of club that will sell if the money is right. He's a really good young player with bags of potential. Good pace and brilliant dead ball delivery.
  17. Yeah I agree. Silva is leaving City this summer and they need a replacement. But they will have to stump up stupid money to get him. What you look at what English players havw gone for in the last few years 80-90mil isn't a crazy price for Jack.
  18. The only question in terms of selection is in midfield. Does Drinkwater come straight in? I think Marvelous is most likely to drop out. So I think DS will go with this Nyland Konsa Mings Hause Guilbert Drinkwater Luiz Targett Trez ElGhazi Grealish
  19. The only way I can work it out is if we got another keeper injury we would only have Sarkic. We need some cover. I think Reina is a top keeper and we have a young defense. We need some experience in goal.
  20. Happy with the Reina signing. Great experience in this league and should give the defense some security. Still think Nyland should be no 1 to start with.
  21. Kodija dropped out if the squad completely.
  22. I'll see how he does on the pitch before I judge him but it's an interesting signing. 6 months loan deal, paying a percentage of his wages seems pretty risk free to me. The good thing is we don't need him as a starter. If he can make an impact from the bench he will have been good value.
  23. Most reports are saying we aren't paying anywhere near all of his wages.
  24. It's a name that's been doing the rounds for the last few months. He's played at the top end of the game, got to a WC final a few years ago with Croatia. So a very decent player, only 30 so still a few years left. DS always talks about 2 players for each position. If we are going for 3 CBs you would have to expect left centre back is Mings and Hause. Centre of the three is Vida and Engels and right is Konsa and Chester.
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