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Everything posted by Stratvillan

  1. Worry is we sack Bruce. And replace him with allardyce which is an upgrade, but an upgrade to football?
  2. i watched cloughs last interview as forest manager just after they were relegated. He was asked the question why did you get relegated he said "we weren't good enough" , he was asked the question "what about the manager?" He said, "he wasn't good enough either". This was from a man who had scaled the heights and was struggling with alcoholism , still had more humility than Bruce.
  3. Quality player, a real traditional midfielder, tackles, runs, and passes like a dream.
  4. Thought we played well first half, paced and threatening. Second half was a bit nervous, but fairly comfortable. Mcginn was superb, as was some of the first half movement, and interchanges between the front 3-4.
  5. Don't think Bruce is the man, but protests shouldn't be an event which happens every couple of years. The protests against Lerner were totally different and after a sustained period of lack of investment. I don't like the football, increasingly I don't particularly like the man. He failed to get us promoted last season, but we lost in the play offs, there needs to be a sense of balance. Who is the magician that is going to get us first place? Buying players for the sake of it and being stuck with them has been the cause of our downward spiral, changing managers every 2 years will have the same impact. I respect your right to protest, but you have to respect that there is a middle ground between out and in, it's a pragmatic middle ground where he stays until there's a realistic and long term replacement. Ill be at the game on Tuesday, supporting the villa, not individual players, or an individual manager, but the club.
  6. When did bolasie last start a game?
  7. Give me 5 minutes and I'll read all of the respectful comments in the bruce out thread. The language may not be appropriate but the sentiment s no different.
  8. How? saying he's being poorly treated but loves the club and will stay and fight if he's needed. Seems like a valid response for someone who is asked to play full back and winger.
  9. Think our season may fall apart f we don't sign a forward and centre half. Having said that we should only sign the right players, we've had years of short term last minute deals which have caused more damage than not signing anyone would have done.
  10. Perhaps, but he can only play well if he's selected, he can't choose who that's against. If we use your argument no young players would ever get a chance. He's only played 13 league games for us over 2 years not sure how many were starts. This means he isn't very good or he might be good, but the manager prefers experience. I'll leave that to you to decide! (This isn't the Bruce thread). Wether it's bree or someone else. We can only really judge them after a period of regular action, not a game every 8 weeks. This is why these players move on and are successful at this level and higher elsewhere.
  11. Big Sam cleared (sort of) and available. Not the manager we want, but an upgrade on Bruce.
  12. Central defender and centre forward for me. Without a central defender I think we'll struggle to reach the playoffs. Jedi is fine as a Samba style (no pun intended) back up. But no team would be promoted with 2 slow centre halfs, one of which can't pass the ball. Imagine if Chester got injured and our centre backs were Jedi and Elphick think centre forward is essential. Not just for the goals, but more for the hold up play. Would allow Grealish, mcginn to get the ball in dangerous areas.
  13. I think he could be very good, but needs to play regularly. It's a bit pointless if he's motm midweek and not rewarded. What message does that send out?
  14. Motm according to Bruce. I rate him personally, but needs to play.
  15. Who would bite your hand off for Chester and kodjia? I think Bruce needs to go, but let's not pretend we have a raft of premier league players. Chester is too slow for the prem. kodjia is either premier league or league 1 depending on his mood. There's a reason why they're in the championship. What I do blame the management for is the ridiculous decision Not to target a centre forward or centre half.
  16. Has the ability, when he gives 100% looks amazing. Has whole sections of games where he zones out.
  17. Thought he played well when he came on. Surprised he's been dropped.
  18. Happy to be proven wrong tonight.? Hopefully I'm proven wrong on Saturday!
  19. Interestingly the arguments you use for Kodjia are the exact arguments which are used against Bruce. I never said he was was shit. I think if he actually tried for 90 minutes he'd be better, I don't think he's helped by the set up of the team, but he's not helped by his inability to play as part of a team. I thought his actions at the end of the Ipswich game said it all. I've done my team for Wednesday, and he's leading the line, because he's the best we've got, not necessarily the best we can get.
  20. If Saturday was him inform, dread to think what he'll look like on a bad day. Don't let the fact he scored detract from a really poor performance.
  21. Drop adomah, pack the midfield with energy, and get in amongst them. Nyland RDL. AXEL. CHESTER. HUTTON THOR Hourihane Green GREALISH. MCGINN KODJIA
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