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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. Let's try this....... There is no way in hell he will ever score another...... ;-)
  2. **** me! OK I admit it !!!! I am absolutely stunned.
  3. I hope I am wrong as well. I just know I am not. Yes he will run around a lot, he will wind them up (good) and he may well liven the game up, but he won't score.
  4. I think it is 50/50 for b and c, no way will a) happen. It just won't.
  5. What is this witchcraft? Going into the start of a new season with the same manager from the last season.
  6. im disappointed that we didnt keep our run of 2-0 wins going only a little bit.... COME ON!!!!!!!
  7. I thought it was supposed to be the Smurfs in Prison?
  8. I'm sorry, what is this forward planning idea? We are Aston Villa. We don't waste time with silly things like that!
  9. Yes, to Villa Park would be good. :-)
  10. Brighton away...... but even so, thats still only 2. Like most i will take a scruffy 1-0 win over a pretty 0-1 loss. BUT, I have no confidence from current performances that we can compete at the top end of this league nexts season. Lets hope things pick up in the next few games.
  11. until about half to 2/3 of the way through the season, I was one of the "we're Aston Villa, we wont go down" brigade. Problem is, on the pitch, we really haven't improved, and unless we do, we will go down again.
  12. Yeah, thats what I thought last season. :-(
  13. Thanks. Have been out of the area for a number of years now, always nice to hear about things like this.
  14. Have a like, just for the Python reference.
  15. Last night was frightening. I expected to lose to Newcastle, but the display in the second half was a disgrace, it was like a training kickabout for a Newcastle side who were poor themselves. Steve Bruce did nothing to try and get us into the game, the subs were way too late and he just stood there looking glum, with no clue what to do. I was in the camp of giving him time, but there was no glimmer of light, nothing. It was almost as if we went out to play for a draw and that was our only plan. When we went behind, it was almost as if the attitude was "ah shit, that didn't work, oh well we tried" There was nothing to convince me that he stands any chance of turning this around (or has any idea how to). We are not going to get better and we are in serious danger of being relegated. Last season, I did not believe until fairly late on that we would really get relegated from the Prem, now we are in serious danger of being relegated from the Championship. Bruce needs to go. Bring in Rowett, a Villa fan so will not put up with this shit and will do something about it.
  16. We are not. everyone has stopped laughing and are just sympathetic now.
  17. i would like to, i really want to, but it wont. i'm sorry :-(
  18. Hope it was a decent sponsorship deal.......
  19. We would almost be better off with Gabby in goal!!!!
  20. the two are not mutually exclusive........
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