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Everything posted by TheStagMan

  1. Unless we pay for it or there is some central government funding..... although would rather it was Witton station that was upgraded.... Not sure why Birmingham Council would be responsible for a station in North-West Germany. https://goo.gl/maps/zSEbiQDHrgiHr64p8
  2. Depends if we are still paying his salary. If the loan club are paying his salary, and giving us a loan fee, then we do gain. £7m salary not being spent, plus the loan fee coming in.
  3. Gonna have to put up with 90 mins of the commentators creaming themselves over Liverpool.
  4. TheStagMan


    The mind boggles that they can spend so much money, have Poch as a manager and still be so utterly terrible.
  5. Gonna cost a fortune to get his name on a shirt.
  6. Anyone remember the dark days when people were defending Steve Bruce as our manager and saying we should give him more time? Remember when Steve Bruce said "Who would we get that is better?" Long may King Unai reign supreme at Villa Park.
  7. Yes, I suppose two places just about counts as "multiple"
  8. Exactly, first game, a few days after moving, playing against his childhood club in a game where his new club are already down and out. Judge him later in the season.
  9. Something appeared to have been thrown at Cash during the game (he was indicating something to the referee) and shortly afterwards there was a tannoy announcement telling people not to throw things onto the pitch. Utter scum club. Hope they ban them from the club and the Police lock them up.
  10. Oh no, hope they don't have a new manager bounce at Villa Park this week.
  11. Brilliant goal. Just brilliant. Loved Unai's reaction on the touchline.
  12. Its the fourth game of the season for us, and the last couple of games we haven't really got out of second gear and haven't really played with much intensity and bought on subs quite early, so tiredness is not going to be a factor.
  13. In fairness, young did get an assist in the Villa-Everton game.
  14. Ball was further up the pitch than Ollie so the pass was back towards him.
  15. 964 is BBC ONE Scotland 844 is BBC Scotland and is the one you want. 187 is BBC Scotland in SD - if for some reason you wanted a worse picture quality.
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