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Everything posted by Villan_of_oz

  1. The ones that blame all our problems on Bruce. The ones that seem to think any manager in the world will do a better job. The ones where they never have anything good to say or at least when we play well or win say nothing (which is the same thing). Just like your sick of being judged cos you don't think Bruce is good enough, I'm some head up my ass optimist cos I think he will do the job next season. You had a crack a @Xela when he directed nothing at you personally. Unlike some I'm objective enough to listen to nearly everyone's opinion. Im happy and interested enough to listen to your opinion just without the finger pointing.
  2. I honestly dont know, I live in Australia and have been working all night. It was a question.
  3. Calm down buddy. Just like you are sick of posts so am I, just we are sick of different types of posts. Maybe have a cup of tea or something.
  4. To be fair I dont think the post was explicitly directed at you. You are taking it personally which is your choice. What @Xela I think is pointing out is there are some, maybe not you, but some who enjoy us losing, so they can carry on with their agenda, which is very sad.
  5. One of the best games I've ever played.
  6. In Australia after one of the world's largest mass shootings, the government brought in very tough laws pertaining to gun ownership. Low and behold we haven't had a mass shooting of note since then. I probably should leave now, just happened to stumble on this thread out of boredom. More bad comes from guns than good. Simple
  7. Cant believe this thread has made it to the 3rd page. I'll fix this right now.
  8. It doesn't have to be in the know, its basic common sense. There as been nothing to indicate he will be sacked. Bar losing every game we have left, which I dont see happening. There is really no reason to sack him. I guess you would have to be equally 'in the know' to say he will be sacked.
  9. So if we finished 18th you would feel the same as if we finished 8th? I may be in the minority, which is fine I can handle it, but if at the end of last season someone had said we will finish in the top half I would've taken that. I think sometimes some forget what a pathetic excuse for a football club we'd become. I wanted us to go straight back up but didn't think it was a must. Again I might be in the minority but I'm quite content with where we are right now and extremely confident that next season will be a very good season for Aston Villa. UTV
  10. Has anyone else read/is reading Nelson Mandela's 'Long walk to freedom'? I've read 50 pages so far and I'm finding it very interesting.
  11. The Bible is full of them And I'll leave it there, this really isn't the forum me to start explaining how silly stories like adam and eve are.
  12. Any other good nursery rhymes. Sorry but being schooled religiously I have no time for religion at all. Before I start a rant, I have no problems the club looking after locals.
  13. 2 questions for you GH.... 1. Do you think Bruce has any chance of getting the team playing in a way that you would be happy with next season? 2. If we are playing decent football next season and tracking for promotion at some point will you admit that you were wrong? I'm not being a dick here, I just think if you want hold very strong views like yourself then you have to be open to being wrong. For the record I don't disagree with all your points and now there isn't a 'Bruce out' I find your posts easier to digest.
  14. Yeah cos Arsenal would be stoked they are 6th, absolutely ecstatic. Meanwhile CP are now 6 points clear of relegation, they have very little battling to do now. Sorry to pull apart your rhetoric ...... But just saying
  15. Beating arsenal with only 28% possession. Pfffttt should be ashamed of themselves. Clearly arsenal playing good football are far more deserving of the points. I think palace have cheated.
  16. We might not have a dog but we certainly have a few foghorns
  17. My respect for your opinion just grew on you conceding that point.
  18. I cannot believe some people call themselves Villa fans. I need a holiday from this thread.
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