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It's Your Round

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Everything posted by It's Your Round

  1. Nice. Maybe you should submit a late proposal? Assuming you could beat £2m. i know the £2m probably includes all of the updating, stadium, BMH, marketing etc... But I bet the company still charges hundreds of thousands of pounds to design something that you've created on your own computer.
  2. That's the one Simple, classic and reminds us of better times.
  3. Me too, I don't really like this latest badge. It reminds me too much of the incompetence that's gone on.
  4. Much as it seems weird to want us to lose, I'd actually prefer it if it means we can finally confirm the big R. If only for the vague hope that the club might declare a new manager, and their intentions, soon after. Ah who am I kidding...
  5. Yes, based on the here and now. But this season and last isn't the normal kind of environment for a player to develop in. Realistically, have any of our players developed this season? I agree he does seem to have a bad attitude, he seems to think he's made it when in reality he's achieved f all. He's made more mistakes than he has goals for sure. But, for the sake of a few million I'd rather give him a chan e to prove himself with Villa. If, that's a big one, he can prove he has the right attitude. If he can bring a positive attitude and curb his stupidity then he might just make a good player. If not then off he goes, it's worth a look though surely.
  6. What if he then went on to play regularly for that club and developed into a decent premiership footballer? Wouldn't you rather keep him for another year and see if he can make the grade?
  7. None of us can really know how any new manager will do. Whether that's Bruce, Moyes, Pearson or whoever. One thing I do know though is we should all get behind him and support the team next year. It's a new start and requires positivity all round if we're to have any chance.
  8. They might not officially take over but surely any manager that's currently linked and considering his options will already be assessing the squad. They could be announced but not directly involved til the end of the season. Yet still able to work out which players are worth keeping or not.
  9. Maybe a lap dishonour, they'll get halfway round then when they approach the penalty area they'll all run away.
  10. Latest odds from sky, Moyes' odds have lengthened. Gary Neville Lol!
  11. I'd keep hold of him for next season. Could be a good player for us. Its pretty disappointing to hear the lack of communication from the club to his agent. Surely someone could be available to speak to him and discuss the future. I mean they don't speak to the fans but surely a players agent would be worthy of an answer.
  12. I had an inkling it might have been. Nice one lads, you came across well.
  13. There's a couple of blokes talking about the protest group on this video (4.50 ish) Any one we know from on here?
  14. Agreed. It would be more damaging to the premier league's reputation if they just ignored it.
  15. Read back through the thread. Apparently some kid shouted abuse at Bacuna and he offered them to come over the gate and see what happens. Sad tunes that it's come to this.
  16. He made some good tackles early on and broke up play. His 'shot' in the first half made me laugh. He drifted out of the game though after Chelsea for the first. But then who didn't.
  17. 'Doping' would ordinarily mean 'performance enhancing', which is clearly not the case at Villa. Maybe they thought doping meant smoking dope? it would explain the lethargic performances, it would explain Gabby's KFC addiction too.
  18. True, he is a bit fiery and that can boil over a la West Ham. But at least he looks like he wants to score goals, he doesn't often but he seems like he wants to. How many of the other players can we say that about?
  19. I know this is clutching at straws but is Moyes' silence any indication that's he's interested? Generally when a manager's linked but not interested, they come out and say so.
  20. Yep! It genuinely did, I heard them clear as day. I fear it will get worse next season, especially if Sheff Weds go up there's loads of their fans round here.
  21. How depressing... I live near Rotherham now. Here I am sat in my front room when I hear some kids walking past on the street bouncing a football. One says to the other "I hope Rotherham stay up", other kid says "so do I, we'll be playing Villa next season". That's our reality now.
  22. Exactly, it's not just the nationality alone we want. It's the experience of our leagues. I don't blame the board for not wanting too big a risk.
  23. I seem to remember Whittingham putting two crosses straight onto JPA's head in one match. I though we'd found the left sided Beckham! I was wrong. However he hasn't done so bad for Cardiff. A level down and he found some form. Maybe Grealish can too?
  24. There's no point getting upset yet. Let's wait until the new man is appointed. Speculation is just that, speculation. If or when the new board mess up the appointment by all means kick off. Just seems pointless until we actually know anything.
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