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Everything posted by CardiffGreens

  1. It's to celebrate the start of the daily quests http://pokemongolive.com/en/post/daily-bonus-bonus/
  2. Pants, well trust me to put hubris to the limit and choose Bournemouth (Though Man City were going to be my other choice, so whatever)
  3. What?! Well, I suppose it'll be worth it considering all the regular updates and continuing development they're so keen to keep piling onto the game... Edit, some more details apparently (spoilerized to save on space):
  4. Some vague rumours I saw included a remake of D1 as a dungeon for D3 (though that might be a) totally false b. me misreading that 1 line comment totally wrong) and another couple of zones for RoS coming next year. Might be time to dust off the Firebird Wizzard and see how much it's been nerfed in the last 3 months... Though I did have grand plans at whichever season started in April to level up with 2 of my old WoW chums - which ended with me powerlevelling one of them for an hour before they stopped playing, so it'll be solo play again
  5. You could fudge it with 2 columns of data - 1 for "non televised" attendance, and the other for "televised" attendance (so game 1 on TV would have 0 in "non televised" and 35000 in televised, game 2 not on TV would have 35000 in "non-televised" and 0 in "televised") , and have the graph stack the two values on top of each other for each game.
  6. When you click on your bars, they'll all be selected. Single click again on the one you want to change and it'll only select that one - the right click menu will then have "Format data point" as the bottom option - allowing you to change that bar's colour in the fill menu (and if you leave the "format data point" option open, you can select another individual bar to change that one as well - without having to close the option menu and reopen it).
  7. Ouch! I've been much the same with these as well (though I've been lucky enough with 5km eggs endless hatching into them the last 2 weeks) - though similarly I was stomping across Cardiff to a Magmar nest, got about 3/4 the way there when a 10km egg hatched, with a Magmar in. Bah. (Thankfully I was heading that way to get some shopping done, but whatever) Edit; apropos of nothing, had a 10km egg hatch this morning - an Omanyte inside and SIXTY-FOUR candies! (Praise Helix!)
  8. They've also upped the spawn rates of halloween-ish 'mon (yay to EVEN MORE zubats! )
  9. Despite having soccer special on, I missed the late drama in the London. So was pleasantly surprised once the classified results rolled around to see I wasn't out!
  10. Could you use bigger numbers, so if 1=Sunday, you use the number range 6 (for Friday) up to 12 (for the following Thursday) set a manual min/max (6 and 12) for the Y axis, and have the Y axis cross the X at value 6? Edit, or you could use another column of values based off your 1-7 values (which'll equal each row's value +5), format it against the the "dddd" date format and use as the data series for the graph, if you'd prefer to input values against your 1-7 range. This is assuming you've 2 columns, 1 for the games, and the other for the day of the week, with each row corresponding to a pair of game/day values. Edit 2: Hopefully the attached image will better explain it. (For reference, column E shows the "workings out" (i.e. adding 5 to your input), whilst F shows those values formatted as "dddd")
  11. Funny story (no, not at all actually) - whenever I've been playing on the new-and-exciting Final Fantasy 3&4 remakes on my old DS, one of the changes was to reward you for completely revealing each area you traversed - which meant I spent more of the game staring at the black-and-white map screen, rather than the lovely 3D rendered environments! And apologies for the double post.
  12. There's a few things that I'd need to be convinced on before grabbing one, firstly battery life on the portable bit (there's maybe what 4 or 5 on the wii u gamepad and that's stuck in the lounge next to a charger in case it runs down) and this thing's supposed to do pretty graphics for AAA games on the go? Two, there are a hell of bit that "neatly fit" together - the controllers on the side of the game pad / controller, and the portable bit from the rest of the console - how long are they going to last before they fall to pieces and render it all knackered. Thirdly is of course price, the Wii U is still £250 for the "premium" pack and that's barely moved in 4 years. I'll keep an eye on it, but don't imagine being in a rush to get it. I've got a wii U in the house that barely gets turns on these days (though with very restricted time for gaming these days, neither does the PS3 or PC for that matter) - it'll be interesting to see what games actually come out for this, aside for the usual suspects of milked-dry IP. And just to finish on a totally facetious note, is showing Skyrim (a 5 year old game somehow) really the best way to show this new console off?!
  13. Sweeper was the second in the series. The guy behind the reviews has recently got his hands on a copy of Defender, so I imagine a review will be forthwith in the next couple of months TOMORROW apparently! Alas, not currently available on Amazon. There is also considerable debate as to whether he actually penned these novels in the first place.
  14. Grealish in the hole you say? <insert mick gif here etc>
  15. All my old Planetside playing buddies somehow got me to preorder this about about 18 months ago, I should really be paying more attention to the weekly emails they send out as it's quite the sort of game I'd like to amble about for hours doing not much. Though it hasn't yet captured my imagination (maybe because trying to play the hanger "demo" section they launched some time ago makes my 8 year old PC cry. I really ought to get back into the habit of reading minimum computer specs before I buy games again!
  16. Thanks for all your help @Kingman, got a great deal thanks to your advice (no credit, but I'm happy enough) and more importantly it's earnt some brownie points with the good-lady-her-indoors (which'll make up for the fact that 80% of the time there's football on the TV!) - now to convince the GLHI that Sky Q is a worthwhile investment! And not to seem a swot, but yeah, consider it done!
  17. Plan A seems to be "hold out and wait for Slovenia to run themselves into the ground after 60 mins".
  18. Good to see we've turned up for the second half! At least Hart has remembered there's a game going on.
  19. Cheers @Kingman, I'll let you know how I get on!
  20. Thanks, there's a 50% offer in there now - I was curious whether I needed to wait in case I open a live chat with "I've just had a flyer through" and they see a cancellation from 20 minutes ago and tell me to jog on
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