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Everything posted by CardiffGreens

  1. If you sign up for an account to play Ingress, they have an intel map that shows every portal within the game. Most (not all) have been transferred over to PG. I also saw some crowd-sourced google map with pins for all the stops/gyms, I shall see if I can dig it out (though how accurate it is, is another matter).
  2. They didn't with Ingress, that just went from closed Beta to full launch with all your progress intact.
  3. Yes, but the candy is slightly more specific than that (elemental restrictions). Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard will use "Charmander Candy" Ponyta and Rapidash (another fire-based type) will use "Ponyta Candy"
  4. Gutted, missed out on a Clefairy this morning on the train in (I assume someone else on the train got it as it disappeared from the map mid battle) - looks like I'm going to have to start taking a coffee onto the train in order to be at my pokeball throwing best. Up to 49 types caught at least and level 11 now. The Guardian has also put up a handy list of quick tips (clicky). There's also a Gym nearby with a 580CP Pigeot, 670CP Slowbro and 850CP Flareon assigned to it. I was lucky enough to catch a 190CP Hypno last night, which after dumping all my drowzee candy onto has gone up to 609CP at least. Rest of my storage is full of 10CP Magikarp though.
  5. Catching a Pokemon gets 3 candies. Returning one to the Professor gets you one candy. There is 1 type of candy for each evolutionary strain, so you'll be using the same Charmander candy to power up/evolve any Charmeleons as well.
  6. After some testing, you can be safe in the knowledge that which ever one you've got assigned to the gym is damage free after training, though the one you've trained will take damage as normal. Same applies to enemy pokemon that are guarding their gyms, if you wear them down and lose, they'll be back up to full health when you fight them again. (Or if you win the battle and fight them again, they'll be back up to full HP). <-- ** I think.
  7. It's been pretty bad today - I thought they had sorted some of the server issues over the weekend, but then it is Prime time USA about now. I'm not going to be complaining much, given that I've circumvented the global roll out in order to get my Pokemon catching fix in. May have just guilted the missus into going on a 30 min stroll around town, though another 3 types are in my Pokedex, so it was worth it
  8. If you open the store tab, there will be a shield at the top with a number in it (the number of pokemon that you have defending) - you can tap it each day for some coins and some stardust. Edit, your team can also "train" against your Pokemon - if they win, your Gym gets stronger and allows more Pokemon to be assigned to defend it (1 per player as far as I know), which means it can be more difficult to take it off your team.
  9. I'm going to out on a limb here, given that the resources for Niantic's other game were generated based on phone usage/location data it could be Pokemon spawning locations could well be the same </wild theory> Having said that, the ones I can catch in work and at home always show up in the same place on the map every time. And of the 80 odd I've caught, maybe two or three I've noticed being in the place where the rustling grass is showing.
  10. You'll never be a Pokemon master with that attitude 43 types here. Apparently I've walked 20km already.
  11. A friend got one out of an Egg, I've just had endless Bulbasaurs from mine:( Not seen one in the wild yet, Cardiff seems covered with everything else though.
  12. I read somewhere (apologies for hte Forbes article) that you can also hold onto a few easily captured Pokemon (Zubat, Spearow, Pidgey etc) and evolve them for super quick XP (especially when combined with a lucky egg for 2x XP). Turns out that you can also get Pikachu as a starter instead of the three usual suspects.
  13. Just a quick note (as I've just discovered this). It's mentioned that you gain stardust and coins from assigning Pokemon to Gyms and they can hold the gym for a day. At the top of the Shop screen is a button to claim these goodies - 500 star dust and 10 coins per pokemon per day it seems.
  14. About 4 years ago Niantic Labs (originally a spin off from Google, but now going their own way on their own) released an AR "capture the flag" game called "Ingress". The "flags" that were capturable were user-submitted photos of interesting public art, places of interest and post offices. You would level up by catpuring these points, taking them from the opposition and by linking them into groups of three to make pretty triangles on the map. All the Pokestops and Gyms I've encountered in my lunchtime powerwalk around Cardiff Bay's barrage were the same places (with the same names and photos) as from when I was playing Ingress (which unfortunately suffered lately with the abundance of GPS-hackers, poor achievement design (which without which you couldn't level up) and generally ever-increasing numbers of higher level player action that basically meant newcomers (or anyone not willing to live in a car driving between portals) was at a total disadvantage as better items were locked to higher levels, making the early levels akin to breaking down a concrete wall with your face. Thankfully, the rock-paper-shotgun approach to Pokemon's core gameplay is used to capture Gyms from opposing teams (Yellow for Instinct, Red for Strength and Blue for Wisdom) - you assign a Pokemon from your collection to "Guard" a gym, opponents can then try and take it down in a battle between them (hence the 2 skills that each Pokemon has) - but with the usual elemental strengths / weaknesses. This will certainly help negate the spiralling leveling-up that will no doubt occur in the medium-to-long-term. Apropos to all that, half of Cardiff bay's gyms are being claimed by Magikarp. I'll let you know how long that lasts!
  15. Heh, was going to post about this but was too busying watching the football (and catching the Zubats that were flying past my back garden). It seems that Ingress was simply a data collection exercise to pump straight into this, given that I've just seen all of my ingress portals lifted and shifted (puntastic names and all) into PG. Edit 2: It's the same team between them. In terms on instructions. Gyms look like capture the flag style points that you can clain for your team / take off the others with your captured pokemon. The pokestops provide you with items (click on them at the map screen, then swipe the picture to make it spin and grab the loot). The "nearby" screen shows the nearby pokemon with a number (0-3) of footprints, the fewer the footprints the closer you are to it (I'm not sure if the moving grass actually signifies anything). Also, super exciting wrist band accessory coming to you soon! Edit, I've found a bug in that the number of pokemon you find doesn't decrease should you "return" one to the Proffessor in order to get some sweets, I'm not sure if this actually affects gameplay or is just a UI bug.
  16. The domain was registered on the 2nd of August last year. Whoever owns it has paid an external company (WhoisGuard) to mask their contact details from the wider web.
  17. You're right, it was a remark more out of annoyance at Portugal's general game plan (all tournament long) - though undeniably it's been incredibly effective for them. Perhaps it should have been "drag the game to a level where it works for them", or rather ensure their opposition can't make the most of what got them so far in the tournamen. Alas, for a neutral it does not lend itself to entertaining matches.
  18. I'd suggest that they're set up as a "counter attacking" team - they need teams to give them the space to exploit (e.g. against an awful Russian team that needed to win to have any chance of getting out of the group, that fustercluck of a Belgian defence) - tonight and against Northern Ireland there has been greater onus on them having to take the game to the opposition and they've been denied the space in the middle of the park that they've craved. Tonight was all the harder without the beating heart of their midifeld that is Ramsey imho.
  19. Portugal have "done well" to drag it down to their level. The defence and midfield has sat back, not given Wales any easy way through them (there was maybe 1 good run by Bale in the first half that came to nothing) but it was expected given that's what all their games have been like. Wales have had a lot of success down the flanks, but not really made the most of their crosses in.
  20. Was just about to wonder on here, whether that missed chance might come back to haunt Portugal - how often you see team spurn chances to totally kill off a game before going on to rue the final result. Then Sam Vokes mistimes that header something chronic. But still 25 minutes to go! 1 goal would definitely put the cat amongst the pigeons and ruffle a few Portuguese feathers (and mangle a few more metaphors whist I'm at it).
  21. Saw a stat earlier in the tournament (after England went out), it's something like 6 wins out of 19 for England on ITV, but something like 12 from 22 on BBC (1 win from 1 on S4C mind!) (link)
  22. Sadface. Yet another scuffed goal, but I'm sure he meant that.
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