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Everything posted by Wezbid

  1. A few misplaced passes in the first half aside, he was a brick wall.
  2. His timing for sticking a toe in is impeccable. Makes it look far easier than it is.
  3. He's still seemingly doing the business, that's the difference.
  4. It might have to be put in the slow cooker for 24 hours but I'm sure he'll give it a good go.
  5. Hi Wes, Thanks for getting in touch today, We are always looking at improving way to make your journey, the fan, a better one and the inclusion of scores on the thumbnail was one of them. Some fans don't appreciate finding out the score or outcome and we get that, honestly we do but a lot more fans like as it lets them determine which game is which and from when. But that being said we really do appreciate and thank you for your feedback and I will make sure this is passed across to the development team. I hope you get to enjoy the service we provide Regards
  6. Well I'm sick of being nice and 'good'. Give me some motherfuc*ing moolah!
  7. I've just signed up for this. Is there any app for the firestick or is it a casting only thing? I've also emailed them to ask them to stop putting the match result in the highlights and full replays. I doubt it'll do anything but if enough people emailed then maybe they'll take notice. It's such a stupid thing to do. I'll have to start getting the other half to set up the player so I don't see the result. You shouldn't have to jump through hoops to avoid the result.
  8. With our run of fixtures we've got a great chance to build momentum and confidence for when we end up playing some of the 'big guns' again. We've got the players to go on a winning streak and now compete with the bigger names. The more time the staff get with the players the more we will build on the already good football we are starting to play. 7th may be a stretch but it's not that much of a stretch. Depends what Spurs do with their games in hand.
  9. A big thing with the match threads are people are constantly on their phones reading posts and typing their own thoughts that they end up missing a lot of the action and good things players do. I found it myself so only really have the odd post at half time.
  10. Great apart from that weak pass. Hope he doesn't get thrown under the bus for it because he was quality for the vast majority of his time on the pitch.
  11. There we have it. Lieutenant Dan.
  12. Him and Coutinho together are going to be something else. Them two behind a striker, I'd rather it be Ings rather than Watkins.
  13. Gerrard's pre-match interview regarding Watkins/Ings playing together sounded like he's after a forward who will make the conversation null and void. Could be me reading into things but he was responding to a question about Ollie and Ings playing side by side. He's expecting multiple signings the way he was talking. All for it.
  14. Apparently, the shortage in letters was the only stumbling point in us signing Insigne.
  15. I didn't know Ford were bringing it back. Good on 'em.
  16. This is where the Villa story comes in... https://www.grandoldteam.com/forum/threads/lucas-digne.113264/page-278
  17. A small heath fan waking from theirs and reading it...
  18. Wesley is actually pronounced William.
  19. Not the actions of a mercenary to me. He'd rather play for us on reduced wages than stay at Barca. That's good character to me.
  20. This sort of signing will help attract others to the club. Let the snowball effect begin!
  21. His time at Barca has been shit but he's still the right side of 30 and was genuinely one of the best players on the planet when he moved. If we make it happen then it'll be because we can afford it. No way we're blowing £350k a week on him. Everybody knows Barca are screwed and there'll be a happy medium where they're not shelling out all that regardless of whether he plays or not for them. I don't expect peak Liverpool Coutinho but damn, him and Buendia as two 10's could rip defences apart.
  22. He's lucky Norgaard didn't break his arm. Absolutely disgraceful from Norgaard, he knew exactly what he was doing.
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