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Everything posted by Indigo

  1. Average positions for anyone interested:
  2. He's also not a player that relies on pace in any meaningful way, so his age will be even less of an issue in that regard. Said it elsewhere but he's a quality player and injuries permitting we'll almost certainly see that now that he won't be getting deployed in an utterly bizarre role that isn't suited to him as he was under Gerrard.
  3. He's so much more comfortable and better suited to playing in an advanced role and it really showed yesterday. It's good to be versatile and able to play a few roles but at his age I think it's important to settle on a position and know the type of player you are which he hasn't really been able to do for the past couple of seasons. Even when he's been playing further back in midfield, his stats have always been underwhelming in terms of getting on the ball from deep and his number of passes etc, but good for scoring goals and carrying the ball, so playing in that kind of role as he did yesterday could really see him kick on and start to regularly make his mark. The lad looks absolutely deadly whenever a chance falls to him in or around the box - get him in those areas more often!
  4. He's a fabulous player. Always thought he'd soon be moving, would go to a better side and proceed to make Villa look ridiculous for not being able to get the best out of him, but with the new contract and Emery coming in it seems we'll actually be the beneficiaries of it. He has a bit more of a presence and confidence about him this season, he's always had the talent but it's like he's fully grown into the pace and physicality of the league too.
  5. I think it's good to see fans of a team get behind a lad that seems to have been having a rough time of things (regardless of whether he's good enough or not). I don't think supporting him needs a huge amount of justification really.
  6. Gakpo really would have been perfect and given the clubs that were apparently close to getting him in the summer it might have even been realistic. Seems that ship has sailed now with the form he's carried into this season and the clubs he's now getting linked to off the back of it. That kind of profile of player is necessary regardless, any quality added also needs to bring physicality and athleticism to the side that is largely missing. I suppose Sarr was along those lines but I feel like Villa can do better.
  7. Indigo

    Unai Emery

    It'll be interesting to see for sure if he does go back for anyone. One thing on this note I found interesting is that Graham Hunter said on the For The Love... podcast that Emery was absolutely besotted by Juan Foyth in particular at Villarreal due to his tactical flexibility, which isn't a name you would have immediately anticipated would have been up there.
  8. Also seen Benoit Badiashile, Ilias Chair and Martin Terrier mentioned on Twitter in the last hour or so. Silly season officially back underway.
  9. We need a tin of baked beans thrown over Purslow as soon as possible.
  10. I mean I don't think anyone sincerely believes it but it is funny.
  11. We're apparently also interested in a time machine so we can then win the 2015 Premier League.
  12. Indigo

    Unai Emery

    I think I need the comfort of training ground footage and the feeling of immediate fixing even more than I need the scarf-holding, interview content. Although I'll take all I can while bored in the office.
  13. Indigo

    Austin MacPhee

    That isn't true as far as I'm aware.
  14. Indigo

    Austin MacPhee

    Puts things in perspective a bit, especially when you factor in the general lack of physical presence this team has had over the last two seasons as well. Hard to optimise effectiveness from set pieces when 70% of your outfield players are the height of a worm's castle.
  15. Indigo

    Neil Cutler

    It's unlucky for him as it probably wouldn't be happening if Villa had a manager coming in that didn't have a goalkeeper coach as part of his existing team, but those are the breaks in football I guess. Not his fault but on the plus side he's certainly leaving the job with an even greater reputation than he arrived with, so I'm sure he'll still go on to have a good career. Hope so anyway.
  16. Indigo

    Austin MacPhee

    For what it's worth I've seen quite a few folk that work in the game from coaches, scouts etc say that a lot of the time set piece coaches only look after the offensive routines as managers have their own preferences on structure when defending them. This would make sense in MacPhee's case as the way we defended them under Gerrard was different to under Smith, and may well change again under Emery. Just saying as I've often seen him criticised for how shaky we look when defending from set pieces now.
  17. Disagree. He's an attacking full back, for sure, I meant more so the bizarre way in which Gerrard used them though. He had the full backs often times playing as the highest wide players when it's not in their skillset to carry, dribble the ball and ostensibly play like wingers in such a system. Digne is very much still a full back in the sense of he gets forward by timing overlapping runs and so forth, we saw that at times and he proved to be effective but for much of his time under Gerrard he and Cash were deployed in roles that just didn't work.
  18. Injuries allowing, we'll see a lot more of what Digne can do when he's actually utilised as a full back and not some preposterous pseudo-winger role that never suited him.
  19. Surprised by how little he's caught fire, have always thought he looked possibly the most exciting out of his crop out of the academy but it just hasn't happened for him between the injuries and whatever else. Hopefully that goal - what a goal by the way - will be what he needs to find some rhythm.
  20. Indigo

    Ezri Konsa

    On a related note to the above, this for the third goal was bizarre to me. With VAR being a thing now there is no need to distract yourself by calling for offside, just keep doing your job and that will sort itself out. He seems so pre-occupied with doing so here that he doesn't attempt to cut out a quite softly-hit pass that ends up being played in behind him.
  21. Jackson has mostly played down the middle this season as kind of a second striker from a brief check. Although it seems like he has the kind of attributes to play across the front line.
  22. Don't know much about Jackson other than he's been a bit of a late bloomer that Villarreal seem quite high on this season. Apparently quite raw but is tall, strong and rapid which I'm all for considering how weak we're made to look in certain games such as on Saturday.
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