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Everything posted by villakram

  1. Apparently, Biden/WH is the deciding factor and he/they/it has not come out and explicitly stated that Coumo should resign. He has criticized Coumo but in a generic manner, and primarily in a, on the side of women way.
  2. Coumo just keeps on giving. Top Democrat man. "A New York Times examination of the development of Mr. Cuomo’s lucrative book deal revealed how it overlapped with the move by his most senior aides to reshape a report about nursing home deaths in a way that insulated the governor from criticism and burnished his image." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/31/nyregion/cuomo-book-nursing-homes.html
  3. A more progressive taxation system would be a good step. I do hope the $400k is for families and it'll be closer to $200k for single payers. The issue is that in many metropolitan jurisdictions $200k does not go very far at all, i.e., this is going to be a really tough political sell. They need to directly tackle investment land and they won't touch that sacred cow, hence making the whole thing somewhat moot. The corporate tax thing is bs too as the corps will park their profits overseas and wait the typical 10-15 yrs until the next repatriation amnesty. That and the enormous amount of loopholes in corporate tax law.
  4. Big picture items. Giant sin: Corporate 21% --> 28% Large sin: Tax increases for people earning > $400k (That this is even an impactful thing says all you need to know about how imbalanced the US economy is.). There are a number of other things floating around, in a trial balloon sort of way, including the usual CO2 tax talk or some form of fossil fuel tax, a go fook off and die federal property tax and VAT.
  5. Germans bailing the Irish out yet again. When will we get our act together
  6. Kenneth could be banned from having fun while visiting Utah! https://apnews.com/article/utah-anti-porn-filter-phone-tablets-f8276e2f3e0d682bf7c317860acc2b3c "Utah is a step closer to requiring all cellphones and tablets sold in the conservative state to automatically block pornography after the Republican governor signed legislation Tuesday that critics call a significant intrusion of free speech." Fix the roads, education, economy, healthcare... nope, porn!
  7. Biden out with his big tax plan too. He has a very narrow line to walk here. Expect the republicans to hammer him on this and immigration (border and allowing the h1b freeze to lapse) coming into 2022.
  8. Awww, feeling ignored. Simply missed it in the Gaetz related stuff.
  9. That's a minefield. Move cautiously. Record everything. Just to add to what's already been said: Is she also taking a break from her studies too? ... and are the studies going to enable her to leave your workplace?
  10. More importantly, why is no-one talking about Biden's dog biting a second person, impeach!!!
  11. Calm down regarding Gaetz, as the FBI are involved and it is someone else who is the focus of the investigation. We need more details before the guillotine should be taken from storage. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/30/matt-gaetz-federal-investigation-sexual-conduct "A subject is conventionally thought of as someone whose actions fall within the scope of a criminal investigation, whereas a target is someone whom prosecutors have gathered evidence linking to a crime. But during the course of an investigation, a subject can become a target."
  12. ICU occupancy is a reliable metric. Hospital capacity less so, as the pandemic has evolved and as we are now coming to grips with it, people who are less sickly will be admitted, where the previous crisis nature of things required a higher bar.
  13. It is amazing over here right now. Gambling just became legal in state in Jan and ads for gambling have gone from zero to about 30-50% almost immediately. This is happening gradually state by state. I used to be able to be amazed by that one oddity when I went back home... bah! The US economy: Liqour stores, tattoo stores, hair salons, pot shops, pharmacies... and gambling. Though, not quite yet as the mainstreet store format is not legal, at least in MI, just yet.
  14. I'm not sure vindicated means exactly what Riola thinks it does, then again, he's not speaking about football either.
  15. The smaller cage really hampered Stipe and you could see he was confused/surprised by Ngannou's new found respect/training/common sense. Great finish by Ngannou. If he missed that shot, there was a real good chance Stipe would have done him right after. Let's see how long Jones drags the negotiations for the title shot. His KO would be such a popular event, though I could see him trying to front knee kick Ngannou to death.
  16. Better hope you don't have developing breast cancer when you get the vaccine. Another "rare" side effect/consequence. https://www.freep.com/story/news/2021/03/30/mammogram-covid-19-vaccine-delay/7011332002/ "Soon after the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines came to market, doctors began to notice something different in the mammogram images of a small fraction of women who'd recently gotten their shots: enlarged lymph nodes. Swollen lymph nodes under one arm can be a rare sign of breast cancer, and when doctors find that, they usually order more testing, and potentially a biopsy to rule out cancer, said Dr. Kimberly Garver, the director of breast imaging at the University of Michigan. However, in these women, the lymph node swelling was a normal immune response to the vaccines, and wasn't actually cancer. It led the Society of Breast Imaging to issue a recommendation that women should consider scheduling their mammograms four to six weeks after the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine to avoid abnormal mammogram screenings and unnecessary tests."
  17. The CIA would like to recruit you. https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/china/#economy "Measured on a purchasing power parity (PPP) basis that adjusts for price differences, China in 2017 stood as the largest economy in the world, surpassing the US in 2014 for the first time in modern history." The IMF currently has it at $20.5 T vs $25.3T in China's favor. Nominal GDP would state $20.5T vs $13.4T in US's favor.
  18. Another big Ngannou media push underway... urgh.
  19. Given the posting about my posting about Biden's presser rather than the contents thereof, what do people make of his announced China policy position, to paraphrase... On China's goal/desire to be the leading (wealth/power) country in the world "not going to happen under my watch". Funny, given that they are already the wealthiest on a PPP basis. This wasn't supposed to happen until the ~2030-2050 timeframe in the world as it existed prior to the 2008 crisis.
  20. Does nobody have a sense of humor anymore?
  21. The covid thing is easy picking but absolutely unclear. America has performed better than the UK etc., etc. Could it have performed better, sure, but random tweeting didn't happen in many other countries with worse outcomes, so perhaps the random tweeting saved lives I believe this is how science is done these days...
  22. Results of study in cali regarding covid detection in vaccinated health workers. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2101927 "The rarity of positive test results 14 days after administration of the second dose of vaccine is encouraging and suggests that the efficacy of these vaccines is maintained outside the trial setting."
  23. villakram


    Officially signed over my reg this morn, for a marathon that's actually being run near here next month. Stupid fuxking hernia bs, meh!
  24. You seem happy enough to ignore the fact that most of the most vulnerable have or will be imminently vaccinated. Time to return to normal.
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