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Everything posted by villakram

  1. What if Trump has been withheld from the media and had managed his image in the classic politician manner when in office? Would that really have been better? Reagan was a mess in his 2nd term and was similarly hidden from the public. FDR ditto towards the end of his term.
  2. Charming happenings in LA, where the wanna be soldier cops were sent in to disperse a homeless camp by force... in the middle of these pandemic lockdown times. I thought Cali had really topped things when they painted socially distanced squares for the homeless in SF a few months back.
  3. The last thing I do is hide, I'm practically camped in a corner here... or living living under a bridge if I post things that you disagree with.
  4. Post something that adds to the discussion then, instead of reflexively treating things as black or white.
  5. Here is a wonderful Joe moment during today's press event. I won't insult seniors. ...and this is a comparison with his predecessors. I think this is worthy of both comment and mirth. I don't why so many are treating politicians like they are a football team.
  6. Perspective. They are clearly keeping him as far away from a mic as possible as he is a walking mess. Not the first politician that has done this, but how can accountability be established if the only people who speak are the spokes-people or PR mavens. This is not healthy in a supposed democracy where openness and accountability go hand in hand.
  7. Pace is an area we really need to address in the summer. I had hoped Traore would provide some, but he worryingly just has not caught up with the overall pace of the PL yet.
  8. That's kind of a sad way to act though. It is through speaking with those with differing voices that society functions. Taking your ball home is not constructive, and then one wonders why politics over here is so polarized. It is a legitimate thing to be concerned about, that the President is acting somewhat awol. It's much more than I, that has noted that. Although, it took the more mainstream WH press pack to get past 50 days so before even they started wondering what was going on.
  9. Coumo, still in power, yay Democrats. In more trouble for prioritizing his family *and* political/financial allies for Covid testing, over the needs of average NY citizens. "High-level members of the state Department of Health were directed last year by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker to conduct prioritized coronavirus testing on the governor's relatives as well as influential people with ties to the administration, according to three people with direct knowledge of the matter." https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/High-level-health-officials-were-tasked-with-16044748.php
  10. An auspicious day. President Joe gives his first press conference, only the 80 or so days into his admin. Nothing to see here, move along, though I expect the production values to be quite impressive.
  11. Religion and race are differing things, all too often conflated.
  12. There is also the issue with D.C., being the seat of power, already benefitting from implicit representation and that the appropriation of additional congressional representation would unfairly empower this particular federal construct.
  13. Turns out the shithead shooter is not as desired by the narrative crowd.
  14. AZ taking a shoeing over here in the US now. That's clearly political too, I suppose. "AstraZeneca may have released outdated information on its latest COVID-19 vaccine trial, giving an “incomplete” picture of its efficacy, a leading U.S. health agency said on Tuesday, casting doubt on the shot’s potential U.S. rollout and plunging its developers, once again, into controversy." https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-astrazeneca-u-s/u-s-health-body-questions-astrazenecas-covid-19-vaccine-trial-data-idUSKBN2BF0CV
  15. House has already started moving a D.C. bill. I could see the US making a further play for Greenland (resource rich, people poor), and some cut out of the Arctic. Maybe make Guam a state to annoy China. Cuna has long historical links since they took it from the Spanish, Manifest Destiny and all that baggage too. Equality... or some such. Silence from all the usual congressional suspects. I wonder who'll be the first to slyly mention taking in poor ol' Brexit.
  16. The real changes are related to our understanding of economics. Do deficits really matter and what should money cost? See Japan and global economies since the 2008 crisis. Read up on MMT.
  17. Woke and being so was a whole thing from the left/social justice crowd back in Obama times with its peak around the whole Ferguson riots and related issues. It has since been turned into a pejorative, in large part due to the obvious logical fallacies of some of the positions of the disparate groups that comprise the left.
  18. A large amount of wealth in the economy as currently constructed is generated by the moving of money from A-->B, through D, E & F, with C starting up a derivative business on the side with G, H, I, J & K. Circle-jerks are our future.
  19. Surely you'll want to finish with something well over 100 grit though. The rough stuff will plough through that paint easy peasy.
  20. Nevermind, the UK will nuke things back into proper order. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/mar/15/cap-on-trident-nuclear-warhead-stockpile-to-rise-by-more-than-40 Britain is lifting the cap on the number of Trident nuclear warheads it can stockpile by more than 40%, Boris Johnson will announce on Tuesday, ending 30 years of gradual disarmament since the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  21. Expanding the court is a needlessly divisive issue that does not solve any immediate problem, other than the politics of our day. Term limits are sensible. I would suggest an alternate strategy of applying a retirement age, though both of these solutions necessarily impinge upon the rights of the lovely people in the US congress. D.C. should be rank last in having any additional favor/power. There are solid ethical/legalistic arguments both for and against granting more power to D.C. and the people who live there. P.R.is a long standing stain on the character of the "United States" and should be prioritized. It reveals a lot about the current bona fides of those on the moral superiority side, that somehow D.C. has reached equivalence with P.R.
  22. see Youtube/twitch/tiktoc star, influencer etc.
  23. Right, but what if these people were disemboweled. That's a little harder to understand.
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