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Everything posted by villakram

  1. The 1990s called and wants their characterization of the Green party back.
  2. Since when, e.g., 1918? and who declares this, the WHO nowadays. Anyway, there are at least 2 meanings for this, the technical manner in which you interpret it and the common usage. The word itself originates from long, long ago as do pandemics. Genesis itself, operates likewise and is commonly used to mean beginning or origin, and is certainly not restricted to the purvey of the sky fairy crowd. These issues with the language are of course a source of much frustration for the non-native speaker. Your point is pedantic, and your choice a conscious decision to not potentially inform yourself. That is of course, your right.
  3. A long read from the bulletin of the Atomic Scientists regarding the genesis of the pandemic. Worth your time if you are interested in a solid and fair article regarding the current understanding of things. https://thebulletin.org/2021/05/the-origin-of-covid-did-people-or-nature-open-pandoras-box-at-wuhan/ "I’ll describe the two theories, explain why each is plausible, and then ask which provides the better explanation of the available facts. It’s important to note that so far there is no direct evidence for either theory. Each depends on a set of reasonable conjectures but so far lacks proof. So I have only clues, not conclusions, to offer. But those clues point in a specific direction. And having inferred that direction, I’m going to delineate some of the strands in this tangled skein of disaster."
  4. Precisely, it's not like the people marching in the US for various reasons are crazy. But, one can pretend they don't exist when judging others. That one lives a life of opulence far away from the masses only enhances this ability.
  5. News today that Ansu Fati is having to have more meniscus surgery, with removal an option on the table! Can't imagine him ever living up to his potential if that is true, given his rapid twisty, dribbling skill set. Rotten luck.
  6. You should hang your head in shame for posting anything that incompetent clown states. That he still has a job is a disgrace given the ineptitude displayed during the early days of the pandemic and says all we need to know about accountability among the UK upper classes.
  7. An esteemed Yale prof described covid as a bad flu *now* in an appearance on Bloomberg this morning. Progress.
  8. Condalezza Rice and Hillary Clinton testified on the qt to a congressional committee last week that US troops should remain in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, attacks on US troops are recommencing now that Biden has abrogated the terms of the agreement signed by Trump to withdraw by May 1. Let's see if enough "untoward" things can "happen" to "justify" a change in course. Lots of parties interested in giving the US/Biden admin a black eye here. Of note, those nice Taliban chaps have been tweeting about this, with not a ban in sight.
  9. Shite parents are shite parents, and fooked up kids are fooked up kids... the great circle of life.
  10. It's not necessarily free. If you have insurance, in MI at least, you are required to bring your card to the vaccine appointment. I think, this is so the insurance company can claim it back off .gov through one of the various huge bailout programs. So, yes free... but with bonus profits for our corporate overlords.
  11. It's already endemic and the question now if of persistence, i.,e will it become the flu, with yearly flare-ups and vaccines programs or will it die off in coming years as happened after the 1918 pandemic. The human immune system is really good at adapting to these corona viruses, which while they do mutate, do so much less aggressively than the flu. My reading is that this is very much an unknown right now. As things open back up (NYC announced full opening come June 1 this morn), I'm interested when the messaging changes to using endemic instead of pandemic or perhaps that's somewhat silly given the ongoing outbreaks globally.
  12. Somewhat surprised this hasn't gotten more play. The recall of Newsom in Cali has been certified and multiple people and assorted characters are sticking their finger up to see how the wind is blowing. Of interest, Caitlyn Jenner is in the running as a Republican. Please make it happen in a serious way. I can see how republicans would attack her, but watching the dems squirm as they wrestle with their PC-ness would be epic. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/caitlyn-jenner-run-governor-california-77267533 "However, she is untested as a candidate and little is known about her positions on critical issues facing the state, from the coronavirus pandemic to managing the economy. She has ties to former President Donald Trump, who remains broadly unpopular in California outside his GOP base, as well as his former political operatives who are helping her organize her campaign."
  13. Plenty of discussion amongst the chattering classes regarding Biden's plan to take on the investment earnings community after last nights speech. It's going to be really interesting to see what kind of slime Nancy allows into proceedings given the House will get first bite at this particular cherry. This is long overdue, but given the weight of money on the other side of this argument (and lot's of it backing and running the DNC these days), it's hard to see much actual movement occurring, regardless of the popularity of such a policy shift.
  14. Poch believing the press, that his wins over them with Spurs had a tactical masterclass aspect to it, rather than loads of luck. PSG have way more than that in them. I'd love to know what Tuchel makes of all this these days or some of the PSG players.
  15. What did I do to perturb your most excellent existence now? Do you agree or disagree with something I stated, have some opinion on the current political direction in the US, policy, rumor or otherwise? That's essentially the definition of a troll post btw. Hope this response helps dull those pangs.
  16. and Biden throws the kitchen sink, with a massive proposal to start universal education for 3/4 yr olds ahead of the "state of the union". It's got basically no chance of getting through, but this proposal specifically is clearly presented with an eye on the 2022 elections.
  17. MI legislature just passed a law heading to Governor desk to abolish time changes (modulo federal law and neighbors doing it too)... but please!!!!
  18. and a potentially huge manual forensic audit underway in Maricopa, AZ. The lawyers gotta have that new car!
  19. SC on a potential roll. 1. Tells ex-WWE wrestlers to go do one in a head trauma/CTE lawsuit, that is now dead. 2. Take up a concealed carry case from NY, where 2 individuals are claiming infringement of 2A rights due to being denied permits as they didn't demonstrate they had special needs. 3. Takes up case of a couple of Cali non-profits, who wish to keep their donors anonymous per 1A, currently in breach of current Cali law.
  20. Rogan is getting increasingly head wrecking on cards now, and completely hamming up what used to be cool reaction vids. Cracking card. Got a good laugh at Jorge getting clipped given how casual he was acting in the stand-up, very reminiscent of when Khabib clipped Conor.
  21. Right! Pep's piss must smell so good!
  22. What kind geese do you know. that's really harsh. Now people wearing Canada goose, that's a different story!
  23. Actions not words. None of us would accept a dictators claims to be a democrat through and through, given their dictatorial history of action.
  24. Arteta getting away with murder. Funny to think of the criticism Wenger used to get.
  25. The key point. Goldman have already come out and to paraphrase said: ...don't worry about this, he really only means 28% max. There's no way they are going to try and actually equalize the distribution of profit between wages and investments. The senator's from Delaware and NY will make sure of that.
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