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Everything posted by villakram

  1. Joe & Chuck in a spot of bother as their money making chums are a little upset at the capital gains tax increases that have been mooted (20% -> 50%). Let's see how our favorite neo-lib politicos worm their way out of this.
  2. A desk with an inbuilt bomb is alleged to have been the issue... per web rumors. Arrests and death to follow.
  3. UK pop really this young? Surprising if so!
  4. This. The football scene over here is thriving and will only grow more and more given the need to be >6ft to play bouncy ball and a willingness to have your head mashed to play throwball. The big issue over here is much the same as in the UK etc., with the absence over here of outdoor playing area for organic soccer from kids. Here starting from zero, vs UK decaying from a high number. This limits things somewhat to schools and organized things and very quickly the money grabbing system. In the midwest, we also have the issue of outdoor pitches being unusable due to snow ice in Jan-Mar and then turning to concrete due to the sun in July/August. back to business... what a surprise, absolute silence from the FA/PL/UEFA today.
  5. There's no putting the cat back in the bag unfortunately. I'd like to see it changed to something like 3-4, should be to the next highest finishers in the leagues containing the clubs with best coeff who didn't get in. I.e., big clubs only get back in if the finish exactly one spot outside CL places or else other club gets it and that countries league is rewarded instead of just a single "big" club.
  6. only a couple of 1000 yrs since they last mastered this pyramid business!
  7. The club valuations are not realistic and reflect more the world of global central bank money printing. Hence, why clubs are generally only changing hands when in distressed states. Such a rule would immediately bring the prices down a little or perhaps a lot too! perhaps we could have them valued at their historical P/E ratio Audited accounts would be wonderful too.
  8. This. For one, the judge explicitly stated that the poorly judged irresponsible comments from congressional representative Waters likely give the defence grounds on appeal, when denying their motion for a mistrial a few days ago. The fentanyl issue looms large too, especially w.r.t. the murder 2 conviction.
  9. I'm a little surprised there have been no leaks from the football supporting staff at JPM in New York. There must be all sorts of emergency meetings going on and I'd love to see the legalese in the binding agreement they've all signed.
  10. Mourinho being sacked on grounds of refusing top take training due to the ESL was a better internet fact.
  11. Further everyday gun related occurrences that you never hear about. https://www.mlive.com/news/2021/04/man-shoots-wife-after-she-picks-up-their-kids-from-outside-michigan-bar-at-1-am.html "Police say the woman went to the bar around 1:15 a.m. Saturday after receiving a call from her oldest child that the kids were scared. The children -- ages 6 and 4 -- were allegedly left alone in a car outside the bar while their father was inside. When the mother arrived, she got in the car and began driving away with the children. The husband allegedly began shooting at the car with two guns, striking his wife who suffered a grazing wound. However, she was able to drive away from the scene. The children were not injured in the shooting."
  12. It gets better. The police removed a shotgun from this individual in March 2020 as he was suicidal and advocating suicide by cop, per his Mother. No red flag or other investigations subsequently occurred and later that summer this kid legally purchased 2 rifles. Surely there should be a police or justice official who can be charged for negligent manslaughter or some such, mental!! https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/apr/18/indianapolis-shooting-gunman-bought-assault-rifles-shotgun-seized "Brandon Hole, 19, who killed himself at the conclusion of the massacre, bought the two assault weapons in July and September 2020, according to Indianapolis metropolitan police chief Randal Taylor, after the shotgun was taken from him in March following a call from his mother concerned at his mental state."
  13. Indy shooter named as a 19yr old. Once again, an individual known to law enforcement goes on the rampage.
  14. Mandatory insurance. Hunting rifles and shotguns are Civics and Corollas Pistols are Mercedes S class. Anything auto are Pagani Zondas.
  15. Nice of Biden and the Washington apparatus to agree to not remove troops by May per Trumps agreement, which was massively opposed by the entrenched interests. But, Joe to the rescue in move that would make a propaganda guru jealous, with all the troops now coming home by Sep 11th. Critics from the establishment who opposed Trump are silent. I guess they are happy because their empire desires are being satisfied in Ukraine once again.
  16. Probably ok if I don't have a warrant for arrest outstanding. Robbery with a gun in the case of the late Mr. Wright. The system is working in this case. Bodycam footage clearly shows what happened and the former officer is now going through due process. That this clear progress is completely ignored is rather unfortunate. These types of events will happen, our goal should be to (i) minimize their occurrence, by implementing systems etc, and (ii) appropriate response when they occur. The progress on (ii) has been good in recent years. (i) will in some sense be self-fulfilling, but with a lag as the consequences of (ii) start to percolate through the system and it responds to protect itself. In this case, I expect police forces to rapidly look to adopt policies that prevent "accidental" use of the firearm. In Minnesota, they've already payed out ~$25m directly for Chauvin and who knows how much in economic damage and then the ongoing trial. There is no better way to engender change than the almighty dollar.
  17. Antibody testing is not reliable. PCR testing is only somewhat better.
  18. Meanwhile, a nonprofit in Texas with Biden campaign connections gets a cool $530 million no-bid contract, to help with the border situation that the Biden WH policies created. https://www.axios.com/texas-nonprofit-border-contract-biden-official-23a493f4-6779-44f0-a5d4-db8690f11aec.html "A Texas nonprofit that recently hired a Biden transition official got a contract worth as much as $530 million to help manage the influx of migrant children at the southern border, Axios has learned."
  19. Pelosi acting in the best interests of the American people yet again. Here front running the announcement of a massive .gov contract for Microsoft.
  20. This may have been posted here before. This is the level of policing in much of the US. In any interaction with the police, you must comply 100%. If tactical units are around, yikes... much of this is one of those unintended consequences of processing America's young through the wars in Iraq and Afghan. FYI: This is a really rough watch. The death of Daniel Shaver, bodycam footage.
  21. It seems the problem is democracy, once again. Well and an all too easily irascible crowd. This is a fundamental property of humans and is malleable, fortunately. It will take a long, long time in the US, however. Absent some exogenous shock, I don't see much changing in my lifetime
  22. The big issue is not the lack of initial training but the bordering on absence of ongoing training and rotation out of the firing line. Hence, nervous and trigger happy. The absence of large scale political input here, in such a case, where a more genuine appeal and path to reform is present, absent accusations of outright racism etc., is quite revealing imho.
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